help! rash!


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2008
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Iv got a really bad rash on my arms its sore red blotchy and itchy and getting bigger.

Iv no allergies, its not been hot today. Iv not done anything different except got pood on by a bird ( :rotfl: laugh later)

anyone had this? any ideas? Im waiting on NHS 24 ringing me back :cry:

I'm sorry to hear that :( Hopefully the NHS will give you some answers.

Sometimes during pregnancy you can become more irritable to certain things all of a sudden. It's like your body works on overdrive to protect you and little one and can be OTT. Maybe you have contracted an allergy to something or are more sensitive to washing powder etc?

Let us know how it goes, hope you're ok :hug: xx
I was going to say the same as Dannii

Our bodies are a lot more sensitive to everything now. Could even maybe something to do with the heat or the fresh grass etc
I was going to say heat rash too. I take it you haven't changed washing powder or shower gel recently? :D
well doctor was useless! says they cant really tell what it is but gave me a creambut its spreading right up my arms and its sore :cry: :cry:

oh well suppose ill have to turn purple before they do anything to fix me :wall: fingers crossed that doesnt happen xx
Aww hun I do understand :hug:

I have psoriasis and although the skin on my face has become almost flawless which is amazing! My arms are absolutely terrible. They are red, blotchy, itchy, and just friggin' sore! It looks minging and bloody hell it's coming up to summer for gods sake and I can't wear short sleeved tops without being conscious of it ALL day!

I went to my docs today and they gave me mild sterroid cream (with paraffin) (My spelling is probably WAY off there lol).

Could you go back hun and say how badly it's getting you down? That's what I did today and they finally caved and gave me this cream :hug: xx

I had this at about 15weeks it was a nightmare. Started with itchy boobs and belly and travelled down my arms and started on my legs. After a bit you could see the rash and it looked horrible , I was waken up during the night itching. The doc was the same as you said USELESS :wall: he said it was one of these things although more common at the end of pregnancy. I went to the midwife for my check up and showed her it and she said it might be my hormones making me more senstive to things. I had already change my washing powder to Fairy just incase. She said I can take Piriton and told what cream to get as the main thing was to make me comfortable. Lucky it seemed to go away so I didnt need it, but she was alot more helpful than the doc! Hope it clears up soon.

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