help!preparing formula feeds..


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2011
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Hey ladies,

Max has been prescribed gaviscon for reflux and we have to dissolve the sachet first before adding it to milk....

well we are advised to use instant formula for the first 4 weeks, but that has no water, so for the 3 feeds he needs the gaviscon in im making up powered feeds

ive never done this before, and although the tin says make them individually i dont know anyone who can make a feed and let it cool and have it ready for exactly when their baby needs it ...
SO currently ive got 3 bottles of boiled water cooling on the side, and then when he wants a feed, i will add the gaviscon- dissolve that- then add the powered milk

does this sound right to everyone????? or shall i add the gaviscon and milk now and then put them in the fridge.......

First off im using gaviscon and i just add it to the formula i dont dissolve it first? why were you told to do it that way? i only dissolve it if im giving it to her after her bottle they way you make it for BF

For the formula I pre make 3 at a time, i boil the kettle, let it cool for 30 mins and put in bottles and add the formula straight away as the water needs to be 70 degrees to kill the bacteria as formula poweder is not sterile, i then cool them and put in the fridge and pop in bowl of boiling water for 2 mins when needed to take them to room temp,

I use ready made cartons for the am feeds so make life easier and i still add the gaviscon straight to this before giving to her

lots of people seem to do it the other way and chll the water and add the powder later and it seems to work too i just prefer to put the formula in boiled water personally
oh on the label that the doctor stuck on there it says dissolve in water before adding to feed....i thought that was slightly odd?

its been about half hour now, shall i add the powder now then and put all 3 in the fridge ??

do you put the gaviscon in just before giving it to her or add it now n then put it in the fridge....

I prefer to prepare all my bottles in the morning - add boiled water that has collector 30 mins. I then keep bottles in the fridge until needed. When I prepare a feed I heat bottle (and water) add the forma powder andgavison, shake and serve! :)
he woke up hungry before id managed to do the powered feed so i just added it to the ready made stuff n hes drinking it as normal so dont see why we have to dissolve it first gotta decide whether to stick ready made or try it with powder lol

so nic does the water not need to be hot when u add the powder to kill the bacteria ??
I think they recommend making feed up with water that is 70 degrees, but I just warm it a little. It's not practical for me to take half-hour to prepare the feed as LO would be screaming the place down! I know some people who do rearm the water at all - just add powder at room temp.

So, does the gaviscon dissolve direct in ready made carton formula? Haven't tried that.
well i just added the gaviscon and he drunk it and the gaviscon went in with it! so i guess it just mixes in??

thanks ladies xxx
ive just checked the bottle and it looks like theres alot of residue left by the gaviscon so it may not dissolve in it very well xxx
well i just added the gaviscon and he drunk it and the gaviscon went in with it! so i guess it just mixes in??

thanks ladies xxx

Thats worth knowing! Hope it does the trick! :)
ive just checked the bottle and it looks like theres alot of residue left by the gaviscon so it may not dissolve in it very well xxx

Ah!! Oh well - hopefully LO will have gotten some of the dose.
yeah hopefully, ive made up two powdered feeds n put the gaviscon in dissolved so he can have those later....

its all fun and games isnt it!
I make formula bottles the same way as hugsy to make sure all the bacteria is killed. I also dissolve the gaviscon in a little boiled water before adding it to the milk because I've found it doesn't dissolve properly otherwise. I don't dissolve the gaviscon and add it to the milk until I'm ready to give the feed as the doctor said it should be used immediately. X
ah right ok ive added it already :s

next time ill add it once done in a small bit of boiled water then add it to the feed xx
oh on the label that the doctor stuck on there it says dissolve in water before adding to feed....i thought that was slightly odd?

its been about half hour now, shall i add the powder now then and put all 3 in the fridge ??

do you put the gaviscon in just before giving it to her or add it now n then put it in the fridge....


yeah i put the bottles fully made up in the fridge but only add the gaviscon right before i give her d bottle
was afraid i was doin it wrong lol
theres so many different ways of doing stuff its so hard to know whats right!! one final question, once youve added the milk, do you wait for it to fully cool down before putting it in the fridge?
Personally I pop the bottles into a bowl of cold water to cool them quickly then pop in the fridge at the back. X
ive been making bottles on demand, i boil the kettle and then cool the water a bit by putting the bottle in cold water same as when you warm it, then when its cooled a bit but still hot i add the powder and the gaviscon and shake. then give to baby as needed. seems to work fine for us

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