Help please -b4 7pm if possible!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Took Mhairi and OH out for lunch today, and Mhairi suctioned herself to OH the whole way through lunch, very unlike her (oh, that's not a diss to OH, she loves him, but she doesn't usually cuddle for hours on end!!!!). Anyway, got her home and she felt a bit warm. Took her temp and it was 38.1. So I shoved some calpol down her and stripped her off. She slept for a bit and it's come down to 37 (which I know is normal, but it's always 36.6 on my thermometer when normal).

She's wolfed down her tea, and is munching rice cakes like a good un!

So, I'm going to calpol her before bedtime, but I want to know whether to use calpufren or calpol? It'll be 4 hours since her last dose, but I *think* I read somewhere that Ibubrofen can keep a temp down for longer?
personally I would just use calpol as it seems to be working for her at the minute. Hopefully she will sleep off whatever is wrong and feel better in the morning. She seem's to be eating and drinking OK so I would try not to worry too much :hug:
I've only ever used calpol on the kids, so that's what I would use, but that's maybe only because I'm a bit ignorant haha. :oops: :lol:

still, when Alex had a temperature a couple of weeks ago, I phoned NHS direct and they said to give him calpol, so I must be doing something right lol.

I hope she feels better soon :hug:
give calpufen , then if she wakes in night give calpol , its best to alternative between the 2 , as u know ive had lots of advise on this , this week after leland temp stayed over 40 !!!
Ok, I've given calpol at 7, and I'll give calpufren during the night if needed.

I'll set my alarm for 11 (yes, I will be in bed and asleep by then :rotfl: :rotfl: single mum syndrome!) and check her, and give medicine if req, then again at 3.

God, we'd just cracked the sleep training and now I'm wondering if I should bring her in with me to keep an eye on her!! :wall: :wall:
She'll be ok... but she is likely to get worse before she gets better. Atm, just give calpol as her only symptom is a high temp... when/if she displays further symptoms then think about giving calprofen, ibuprofen or stick with the calpol.

The calprofen is a mix of paracetamol and ibuprofen. Lil miss has been coughing and pulling her right ear the past two nights, so I have been giving just ibuprofen because she obviously has some inflammatory pain/irritation, which the ibuprofen will help far more effectively than calpol. Calpol is good for bringing down high temps and pain not caused by inflammation. The two hammer anything, but try and restrict its usage for extremely high temps or severe pain as if its used regularly, your child can build up a tolerance to the drug in which case, when you need it to do its job, it won't be so effective :)

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