HELP pleaes......little one not well :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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christopher has been snuffly the last few days...tonight he has had a temp of 38.5 so he has had some calpol night (same as medised really) only he is still waking up crying he sounds really snuffely but with a high temp could it be something like an ear infection ???? or something ??
:think: :think: :think:
how can i soothe him and help him sleep apart from the calpol night which isnt working any way prro thing he seems relly uncomfy/un settled but i dont know whats wrong :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

please help. :cry:
It could be an ear infection or a cold - calpol is probably best and if he gets any warmer (or seems uncomfy) a coolish cloth wiped across his head will prob help. If you feel that he needs more - get medical advice if only for your own sanity :hug: babies and children do this a lot - all the new germs they meet :?
I agree with Libs it may be an ear infection hun.

Id take him to your local urgent care center or call NHS direct if i were you.

:hug: I hope he is better soon.
if he is really warm hun try putting him i a cool bath and ring nhs direct
thanks libs and mel - mel congrats on the proposal and winning the comp :clap: :clap: :clap:

i did think it could be an ear infection as i dont hnk hed ave a temp of 38.5 with a cold or would he ?

he has been rubbing his ear but he does that when he is tired im so upset for him dont know what to do for him :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
they can get v high temps just with a cold - josh once had a febrile convulsion just from a cold :? that's why you need to just watch the temp - just a vest and a sheet and if he's snuffly try raising his head a little - even if only by holding him in your arms and a little upright.

If he has an ear infection he will be more than likely crying with the pain (I did and I was 30 :shock: it's v painful) although he's hot - if he's rubbing at just one ear - try a gently warmed cloth against that ear it does help the pain. But if you're worried call your out of hours service - they can give advice over the phone usually :hug:
i would call someone, but then im the kinda person who can't settle. i need to hear it from a doc/ etc.

NHS are normaly quite helpful (once youve gone through the mountain of questions they ask you :x )

warm bath with me, bottle of milk, and a cuddle in bed normaly settles alice. sorry i don't have any more suggestions.

:hug: hope he feels better soon
took him to out of hours GP last night as his temp was 38.7 even after calpol..he has a nasty viral infection just have to keep giving him calpol and nurofen inbetween calpol i temp rises. poor little mite,

thanks so much for all the help :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww poor chap. at least you know what is up now and the best way of helping him.

Give him and yourself a cuddle each from me and alice :hug:

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