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Help needed!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Our LO is coming up to 9 months, slept through from around 11 weeks. However , the last 3-4 weeks he's been waking up loads during the night. It can take up to 2 hours to get him back down again. We've tried giving him milk, a dummy, changing his nappy, bringing him into bed with us, letting him cry .....nothing seems to work. He is teething, we can see teeth ready to come through and I know he's probably waking because of this but just wondered of anybody had any suggestions as I'm getting really down about it all and dread going to bed at night . :?

If its teething then maybe try him with a little calpol? If he's bottle fed, then you can add it to his bottle, it'll take the edge off the pain for him.

Are you using anything esle for teething during the day? Powders etc? If not, and its causing a lot of discomort, then Ashtons Powders are good, we used New Era tablets with Lib when she got bad with teething in the early days, now she's same age as you son, and has two teeth so is happier now they've broken through.

She did go through a phase just a few weeks ago though of waking up in the night, when she'd previously been good at night, it lasted a few weeks, now she sleeps through 5 nights out of the week :sleep:

Edit: Just thought, what we started to do was give her a heavier tea as well, so she now has prridge/ weetabix for brekkie, and a bottle, then some veg followed by a petit filous with fruit for lunch, then at tea time, we give her meat & veg, and either fruit custard/ petit filous with a rusk broken up in it, and some finger foods like rice cakes/ blueberries. Thats at about 6pm, she goes up for a bath at 7pm. She started sleeping better about a week after we introduced that. Not sure if that is any use?
Thanks Emmylou for replying. We've been giving him Medised at bedtime, Boots pharmacist advised it as he is very snuffly. Also said it would help him sleep if teething. Have tried Ashton & Parsons and Nelsons Teetha powders which have helped a bit. Will try feeding him up a bit more during the day, at the mo he is right off milk, think it hurts to have the bottle in his mouth.

my dd is 9 months & has recently started waking at silly o'clock. She starts chatting away for about 10 mins until she gets bored & falls back off to sleep LOL. I think they go through little phases of night waking & also with teeth coming. Just when we was getting our sleep back :wall:

Vicky xxx
Do you put him down awake?

I would work on bedtime cues and really try not to pick him up if he wakes up. By all means go in and settle, but if he gets rewarded with attention and picking him up it's more incentive for him to stay awake and persevere at getting you to go in and cuddle him.
So sorry to hear he's not so well, sleeping issues is one of the biggest upsets to both LO and Mummy, I really hope he calms down soon and his teething stops interupting his sleep, and yours :hug: You can buy teether dummys, Isaac doesn't like them, but that's all I can think of as everything's been said above, very best wishes Jenni :hug: :hug: :hug:

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