help me out... I'm a bit new to this!


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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I could do with some female advice! My Fiance and I are TTC, but I haven't been paying much attention to when I ovulate etc. We both thought this month that I had ovulated and we had missed it and my cycle is irregular (its getting worse last few months - was 39 days last month). I started feeling really sick and had a very nasty taste in my mouth about 10 days ago, and also have been constipated (although I have IBS) and changes in CM. I find it really hard to get to sleep, but am tired in the afternoons. My symptoms are not as bad now although still have funny taste. I have taken 2 tests - one on day 30 (Negative) and one day 37 - yesterday and it was negative again. Any thoughts?!!!! Don't know if I could handle this every month!!!! we are supposed to be going away on Sunday and I don't want to just think about this all the time.
My fiance asks if I want to talk about it but I am sure he either thinks its all in my head or that I just have PMS...maybe I do!!! argh!

Thanks! xx:sleep:
Hey, I have only just got into this too. My husband and I have just started trying this month. I only came off the pill in Dec so not sure what my regular cycle is and I have also had some symptoms and 2 negative tests- it was driving me mad thinking about it all the time and I find it quite hard to talk to my OH about it because I dont think that he gets the obsessing you go through when its your body that is getting symptoms!
It feels a lot better putting feelings on this forum and the replies I have had so far have al been really supportive.
You are not the only one - there are lots of us all going through the same thing.
I am waiting a few more days before testing again.
Go away and have some fun, try not to think about it. I would say you should not even take any tests with you so you are not tempted to ruin your holiday with thinking about it all the time! Enjoy and fingers crossed!:)
It's so hard trying not to analyse every possible symptom isn't it? You might just have tested too early, especially if your cycles are irregular and you may have ovulated later than you thought. When do you think your period might be due?
Thanks for the replies, its good to know you are not alone. I think my period was probably due about 2 or 3 days ago (its never really been later than day 39) but its hard to tell with havin irregular cycles. Also I had a smear test after my last period, so I was bleeding for a week or so around that time - I sometimes bleed with ovulation too so it is all very confusing!!!!!!!
It would be nice if things were simple....but I am just trying not to get stressed out and remembering that it is nice that a baby is even a possibility :D I still have symptoms and am reeeeeeeeeeally tired. Will test or go to docs next week after my hols if still no period. Thanks for the support, be happy and lots of baby dust and prayers! xxxxxx

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