Help me make this month my month!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
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Well it's 4 days till i ovulate Woooo :D

I really want it to be my month this time! It's our sixth month of trying, and Cheri said July for me!!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

So what should I do, we BD this morning, apparently the spermies are stronger then!! But actually that was all down to OH not me! So when should I collar him next haha!! Luckily he's got till next Thursday off work so plenty of time to try and get it right!

I have some ovulation sticks, but i've never used them, should i begin to pee on them now? When will I know when i'm actually ovulating because when i peed on them before - as a practice lol! I always seemed to get a line! Also I have some of that lube (can't remember the name!) should i use it everyday now, or should we only BD every other day .... Agghhhhhh who could know getting jiggy could turn into such a mission!!

I also have a thermometer now, but i seem to get random temps so i'm gonna try with that next month to start charting but hopefully i won't need to!!

Please send me BabyDust girls, here's some for all of you as well :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks for listening, Kirsty xxx

here you go hope it works :hug:
Good luck Kitty... Some people say every other day for BD around ovulation as it gives him chance to recharge! Don't you know when you're due to OV? I don't either so I have to POAS every day until I get a +ve to be sure...
I was just wondering, as I really have no idea when I'm going to ovulate :( If we BD tonight should we use the pre - seed? Or save it for two days time (when i think i am approximately going to ovulate) Although actually i think i have a pack of 4 so i could just use it all times?

I've never used it before! Wish me luck lol :cheer:
first of all try not to think about it too much and let there be love in your Bding!! :D

if you got 4 days then maybe Bd morning one day and evening the next or when ever you feel like it, i don't know much about pre seed but remember the spermies can last for 5 days in a really good moist environment.

best of luck you catch that eggy xx :hug:
haha, theirs always love in our BD ing! Specially when I make him wait for a few days before 'Ovulation' so his spermies are stronger lol :cheer: :cheer:
KittyMom said:
haha, theirs always love in our BD ing! Specially when I make him wait for a few days before 'Ovulation' so his spermies are stronger lol :cheer: :cheer:

hahaha yeah I make my OH wait as well :lol: thats why he calls himself the sperminator :rotfl:

All i can say is relax about it all... shame I cant take my own advice aint it :lol:

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