Help, dont know how to stop this


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
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I am after some advice, My son is 20 weeks old today and has been waking for 2 night feeds 12 & 3am, then is awake for the day at 6am for weeks. Before this for a few weeks he slept through from a df at 11pm and woke at 6am for day.

If the nights feeds werent bad enough my son is now waking for feeds at 10, 12 and is wide awake at 3am and will not go back to sleep even with more milk! But then falls asleep at about 4.30 - 6am

He is teething... could this be the problem, and how long could it last? :(

I am so tired and its very stressfull, we live with my mother and she cant deal with the extreme crying so leaving him cry it out isnt really an option! I need him to sleep though or at least only one night feed :nap: Help please xx
I know it's hard, but unfortunately it isn't unusual for babies who have slept well to all of a sudden have a phase where they wake up a lot, which could be down to a lot of things, teething being one of them. Have you tried teething gels? Or a dummy, if you're not totally opposed to that? Have you tried taking him into your bed (again, unless you're against that)? Although sometimes, regretfully, there's nothing for it but to grin and bear it in the knowledge that it is a phase that will pass. You'll be astounded at what you can get used to, given time....
Hey Hun, there are about 6 of us, with same age babies going through exact same thing!! I can completely sympathise!! Although Stanley was teething I believe that thus us purely a developmental phase!! Stanley was fine after about two weeks though. I do hope it gets better, it can be really hard work!! Xx
Thankyou for the replies, Its nice to see I am not alone! Jaxon has a dummy and teething powders which do seem to soothe slightly but dont make a difference at night. I am sure his bottom two teeth are just about to break through I wonder if it gets any better after the first lot come?
It gets slightly better!! But not massively lol it is the toughest phase so far /( x
Haha yeah I know!!! At least you got us girlies :) x
Sounds to me like he needs the calaries! How many bottles does he have in the day? How many oz? Is he weaning yet?
Same situation here! Developmentally it is a phase at 4 months ish and having tried lots and read lots (none of which has helped - just made me frustrated) we just kept on like before, bed time routine etc and maybe after last night we're coming out the other side. So o feel your pain, just hang in there. They are growing mentally a huge amount as well as physically and whenever they are about to achieve big developments, rolling etc they will often take a leap up with their food intake too to feed their brains, Xxx

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