help... decisionsss


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2010
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I have lots of decisions need making this month really, and ım really struggling.. the main one being where to have baby..
I can go to uk, my mum is there and my family. My son will come with us but it means being away from my husband for at least3 months.

I can do it here, I have my dad, my husband and son and the inlaws.

Or in my husbands city which has the best hospital but it means staying with the inlaws for at least a month and i feel once baby is here i will feel way over crowded as there is always at least 10 people in the house.

My favourite choice is to do it here... But the hospital by us doesnt do deliveries.. the nearest place with decent delivery ward is at least 2hours.. which is rather a long time if i need to go for appointments or when im in labour.

Im going to speak to my doctor today and see if she can do private deliverys at her office as i know she has private rooms there.. and see how much it would be. Im very comfortable with her as she speaks good english. I want to make sure I do NOT end up with a c-section unless completely neccessary. They are very big on c-sections here as they cost more and are obviously alot quicker for the doctors.

Ohh what to do I dont know. I know none of you can obviously decide for me but any ideas??

With my first I came to uk, but I wasnt so secure with my husband(then bf) as I am now and it was hard enough then. I dont feel its fair on my son separating him from his home and dad etc for that long...
Sounds complicated! Don't think having to travel 2 hours when you're in labour is a good idea - some babies come very quickly! I know what you mean about staying with the won't be feeling or looking your best after baby is born and to be surrounded by 10 other people, however well meaning they are would not be my wish! If you come back to UK, can hubby not come and stay regularly, like once a month or something? Flights are cheap enough these days. Maybe he could take some long weekends? Don't really have any suggestions but do sympathise with your predicament xx
couldn't you just stay at the inlaws near the end and just tell hospital you are there, and then once you have had baby go back home and get someone to take over your end. I know its a little bit of lying but would the other hospital know if you weren't there that long. or home birth is that posible is there any hospital nearer just incase of emergency if you have home birth.

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