Help!! Could be pregnant!?


New Member
Jul 16, 2015
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I've never been pregnant before and I suspect I could be... I'd be around 2 weeks if I am, and wondered if anybody could tell me some early pregnancy symptoms?

My period should be due next week and my breasts always are a little tender, but the feel a little different.

As I said I've never been pregnant before so I wouldn't know what else to look out for

Can anyone help?

There are lots of different symptoms, many of which are just like the onset of a period. But then some ladies don't get any signs at all. It's a minefield!!
The only way to know for sure is to do a test. There are some on the market that can detect pregnancy hormones from about 6 days before your period is due. Be warned though, an early negative on these don't mean that you're not pregnant. They are not totally accurate until the day of your period.
My advice would be to wait a few days and then test. Good luck - I hope that you get the result you want!
I would wait till your period due and then take a test.. I had no symptoms at all with this pregnancy before my period came ! But first pregnancy I was starving , I had Implantation bleeding and mega sore boobs all before period was due ! This Time I had no idea ! Even went on sunbed morning I found out I was pregnant thinking I wasn't then I did a test and it was a massive bfp ! So if your period due next week id be tempted to test on the day it's due ? You can do before but not always accurate and you could get a false bfn so if you can hold out then it's best too! Best tests they say are the frer or the superdrug ones. I got my bfp on a sainsburys one though xxx
only way to be sure is wait till next week when ur period is due and take a test, sending baby dust x

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