help! braxton hicks/labour/tummybug?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2008
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can any one help. Since waking up this morning on and off i have been having painful twinges in my stomach, got back ache and they feel like period pains. Didnt experience any braxton hicks with last pregnancy and waters broke so i knew i was in labour.

Dont really wanna bother anyone at the hospital at this point cause feel silly not knowing whats wrong. Can still feel baby moving around if that helps.

btw i am almost 36 weeks pregnant.

any advice would be great.

thanks natalie

sorry i havent got answers for you babe,

but i've got wierd tummy achey feelings too..

its like a period ache/back ache, and then goes intense for around 20/30seconds every so often, just starting to think should i time it...

hope you feel ok... i know what you mean about feeling maybe like a bug, it just feels like somethin i ate/// i dunno its hard to explain :hug: xxx
It dosen't sound like braxton hicks to me, they were more a tightening feeling but without any pain.

My second labour started off with period like pains and back ache before developing quickly into proper contractions. Contractions have a 'peak' where they are most painful then they start to ease off.

My second baby moved all throughout labour (Can't remember feeling my first moving during labour but my second definately did)

I would phone the hospital though just to make sure especially because you are before 37 weeks.

This could be the start of labour for you. Good luck :D
Thanks for the replies so quickly, I hope im not in labour yet. Its really weird because surely if it was a tummy bug the pain would be constant. Seen the midwife last week and she said the baby was breech, could it be her moving round or something? It does get more intense now and again but i'd say if it were contractions they are quite far apart. Think i'll wait til the other half gets back from work usless it gets any more painful.

I feel really silly because like i say ive been in labour before and i feel like i should know this time round.


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