Help!?Bleeding at the wrong time?!


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
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Hi Girls,

This may be TMI, but I'm soo confused!!

My cycles are normally 35-38 days long (with AF turning up around about the same time bar a few days), so pretty much bang on time. I figured i ovulate about day 19, 20, 21 cause thats when I feel most like :bd: and when I was using the wee sticks, it seemed to be then. So anyway my last cycle was 37 days, no period for whole of march, and then period on 2nd of april. Me and OH did :bd: on day 19 and 20 (of march), but AF arrived anyway. So I was thinking ok, out for this month. I was total agony (it hurts normally, a lot, sometimes i can't move) but this month the pain was so bad that I had to take cocodamol and ibuprofen and sit in a bath constantly re-filling it. (And it still wouldn't go away). The odd thing was, there was no clots, blood was bright red but quite watery (which is very unusual for me, because I'm always normally very clotted and dark, so it struck me as odd that the pain would be so bad with not so heavy a flow). But I did bleed for about 5-6 days like normal, and It was defineatly enough to be classed as a normal period. OH and I had sex on CD 8 once AF had gone, not for TTC purposes, but just cos ;), but not since. Now, I've literally just recovered from a week of the worst tonsilitis and flu i've ever had, and today I was out gardening, and on the trampoline. Went to the toilet, and there was blood. Not dark old blood, but quite gooey (sorry tmi) red blood, with a wee bit of brown. My period is NOWHERE near due, I shouldn't even have OV'd yet! I've never skipped, been irregular, or has thi happen before..Does anyone know what could be going on? I have been on antibiotics, so maybe this could have messed my cycle up, but that was literally last week, so surely the egg wouldn't have had time to be relelased, lining come away and AF arrive in time?? xxx

Sorry for such a book, just a wee bit worried!
Plus meant to say, So far got no pain, no nothing, not even a twinge....Its light, only when I wipe, but still here.

Thanks xx

SA xxx
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I have no idea I'm afraid but didn't want to read and run x hope it sorts itself out for you x x
Not sure but it could be worth a trip to the doctors to get it checked out especially as your last af wasn't typical for you. At the very least it would maybe put your mind at rest that nothing bad is going on.
It could have been the remaining AF blood that has taken longer than normal to come out?

If you are really concerned then i would take a trip to the docs hun xx

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