If your pregnant now with no ovulation dip it's hard to say because you can't see your coverline :(
well, no BFP this morning.. :cry: all 3 were neg.
was happy last nite. just down now. im gonna have a MPD today! (Mega Peestick Day) and just do lots til i see that chubby pink line again!! it wasnt an evap coz it was pink and thick! one i done yesterday morn was weird coz it was half pink fuzz then half white with control line. the fuzz ended at a line where test line is.. hmmm... confused...
the 3 i done this morn were gleaming at me :evil:
aww sorry to hear hun. maybe you should wait for a few days and try agian give any hormones chance to build.
If you still not getting bpf i would go and take the pos pee stick to the doc to get a blood test.
cheers honey
i threw it away stupidly enough coz i knew id be staring at it for days...wish i kept it now.. :cry:
I aint gonna buy any more cheapies I am not convinced by them. I think they work for some women and not for others. or maybe there are not enough control tests done on them :x
when u get a good batch its ok coz uve got 100 to hand for £18! its too much to keep buying clearblue tenner a test! They should make them cheaper!
Think the prices related to pregnancy in general are outragous going from OPKs, HPTs & IVF for those women who need treatment!

As my OH said last night they can charge what they want because they know people will buy it!

Nice this world benifits from anothers pain! Maybe I;m being over the top but it does drive me BONKERS!
Not being bonkers, it drives me nuts too!!!
So unfair!!!
Making money off of other peoples pain and desperation, should be illegal!

Sorry you got BFNs today Jayceesmum. Good thing you have all these tests! I know you're eager to know but like they said, make sure you don't pee for at least 3 hours before you test. Come back and let us know!

Best of luck

More BFNs...sigh...
Got bad cramps and tender laa-laas and no BFP! Grrr!!
Ill try again in the morning.
They make so much money outa us! Sum1 should make a simple easy to read/use test and sell it at a reasonable price..they'd make so much more coz ppl want reliability and value for money whilst not damaging the bank!!
Someone needs to invent an HPT that is reusable! Then we could be merrily peeing on a stick all day long!
Alicebabe said:
Someone needs to invent an HPT that is reusable! Then we could be merrily peeing on a stick all day long!

Could you imagine the price theyd charge for it though, look at the prices of hpts for single use! :shock:
I spent over £100 the month before last on the whole darn thing - So I'd be first at the door at Boots!!! :rotfl:

Where women may experience problems & like my situation it would be a worth while buy! BUT it's not gonna happen :doh:
Awwwww I am so sorry Jayceesmumma!!!! Wishing you all the best for your next cycle :pray: :hug: xx

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