
Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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I just did an OPK and HPT at the same time, in the same pee and in the same cup..and this is what i got...
HPT is top (blue) and OPK is bottom (green) both tests are from ebay..
Usually i get evap lines like dents and gray lines but this one is the thickness of the control line! its faint but i see it! I dont want my hopes up so any advice?

It was faint before but as time passes its getting clearer. I thought i was going mad... i hope im not!!!! (going mad, that is!)
If this is a false positive im hunting down that ebay dude! :evil:
I moved this from 'Getting Started & Technical Support' for you JC :wink:
Ohhhhh do a clearblue RUN RUN to the shop!!! :cheer:
Ive got 2 emergency ones upstairs but i dont wanna crack them open for no reason!! Im waiting on the results of another ebay one as we speak...waitin for the pink tint to go...
BFN :cry:
Well.. cant win 'em all. Maybe it was coz i had to litterally squeeze a piddle out to test.... maybe theres still hope? My boobs ache too. my chart isnt telling me much either..
That BFP was a positive!! It still is! Its certainly faint but there! Pink and chubby like a BFP should be! But the 2nd one had an evap 'dent' and thats it... ill try another in an hour or so, then another, then another etc... lol ill do a CB in the morn. Actually ill do an ebay one in the morn and then if its a BFP on ebay one then ill us same cup of pee for CB. Does it make a difference if u dip a midstream?
the top one i can def see a second line. Hold your pee for 3 hours then try!
the 2nd one (green one) definately a line!!!
I agree with what AG said!!

Aww im getting excited now!! I know i shouldnt coz its 1 out of 2 at the moment, plus they r cheapies.... ill do another at 8. if im online ill post it but if im not ill post asap!!
Think baby dust 4 me at exactly 8 o clock coz thats when i put jaycee to bed..on the dot lol!!
The second one probably came out bfn because your pee wasnt concentrated enough.

Hold your pee for 3 hours to concentrate it enough, that should help.
*************** Baby Dust ****************

good luck hunni!!

FMU tomorrow :cheer:

What tests have you got & how many DPO?

Wobbles said:
Oh yer 60!!! LOL :doh:

did make me laugh when i read your last post!!
I was trying to word "look at the ticker" without sounding mean!!!!
Im still using my ebay ones ive got about 50 left lol! if u look in my ebay members thread about who to buy from, ive got the id in there, ive got 2 CB which i will do in the morning if i get another BFP, I dont know how many DPO i am coz my LMP was 29th May and charting didnt really help me! I dont know why? If u look at my chart ull see i recorded an OPK + on day 50 i think, but it wasnt as strong as the control line as its supposed to be, but it was the strongest one i got! if so, then i think 8-10 DPO? But my temps are still up and down suggesting no ovulation and no PG.. Unless i was already PG before i started charting? but i was getting daily BFNs? hmm.. :think: tough one! :wall:
The green test is an OPK test and ive been using them for 2 weeks and getting faint lines getting stronger then getting fainter... so confused!!!
I know the OPKs can show if ur PG too thats y i did the HPT at same time.. i havent done a HPT for a few days but i just felt like taking one this morn..BFN then earlier today..BFP then straight after a BFN..
maybe i just got a dodgy one?
Was kinda asking out loud while thinking it! :rotfl:

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