Helloooo again...can I come in and ask you some questions?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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Been away for a bit as I moved house and had no internet but now I am back and in 2nd Tri!! Woo hooo. Glad to see some familiar names, and new (to me) ones awell :wave:

So, anyway I'll get straight on with the questions!!:rotfl:

14 + 5 and still feeling sick - is this normal!!!????

Being sent for oral glucose test this week, which seems terribly early from what I have read and no-one has told me why!! Any clues? I'm really scared I might have gestational diabetes.[/b]
Dont worry Millie, Im 18 weeks & still being blooming sick, sometimes the sickness takes a while to go away. As for the oral glucose test, I had one quite early as well, due to the fact there are diabetes in my family. If you have gestational diabetes, then its best to find out early. Try not to worry too much & enjoy Tri 2. xx
Thanks. That could be why - but it's not a close relative who has it. I just wish they would be a bit clearer about these things!!!
I still feel sick a lot too!! :hug:
With my DD I felt sick until about 27 weeks!
Wheres your ticker?! :wink:
I was sick until 20 weeks then one day I woke up and it just stopped :D .
millie15 said:
Thanks. That could be why - but it's not a close relative who has it. I just wish they would be a bit clearer about these things!!!

It would be nice if they could be clearer!! But then they would have nothing to torture us with!! LOL!!

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