just joined as have been trying to concieve for 2 years and no joy yet. Have had some blood tests which suggested POS but had ultra sound which showed no abnormailities. We're now at the stage where my other half is having a sperm test. I thought that talking to others who have been or are going through the same thing might help - so if you have any advice or wisdom to share on the subject, I'd be really grateful....
Sarah x x
just joined as have been trying to concieve for 2 years and no joy yet. Have had some blood tests which suggested POS but had ultra sound which showed no abnormailities. We're now at the stage where my other half is having a sperm test. I thought that talking to others who have been or are going through the same thing might help - so if you have any advice or wisdom to share on the subject, I'd be really grateful....
Sarah x x