

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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I have been here a few times and posted a couple of messages but thought that i better introduce myself before i carry on rambling! This place is actually distracting me from my uni work (like its hard) quite a lot now! Well my name is Jasmine and me and my brilliant fiancee have been trying since december!

This month i managed to convince both of us i was pregnant and i even gave the non exisitant bub a little name, which either makes me sad or a bit of a looni and no i refuse to say what i called it! I was having so many symptoms though and honestly at one point i was going a bit mental. Well ive had two BFNs (hehe check me out using the lingo!) and now im sort of accepting it (mofobumsucktwats :D ) So anyway i like it here, lots of lovely people who understand what it like to be me right now.

Hope we can make friends and babies

lol x

Welcome to the forum.

I convince myself I could be pregnant every month, I'm determined not to do it this month though, I'm just getting my hopes up and then being really disapointed. My DH thinks I've gone mad, I've become obsessed with babies, always watching baby programs, picking out prams, cots etc in shops & on the net. Maybe I am going Mad!!!!!!!!

We'll get there in the end, good luck for next month
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hey im flattered so many people replied! :oops: By the way how do i get a photo and little ticker thing like you guys?

I want to be official!

I am going a bit baby crazy too, up until about 2 years ago i didnt want any children but oh how things change when you fall in love. Never the saying 'Be careful what you wish for' has seemed so apt!

Im gonna bonk like crazy this month (tmi)

x x
Hi Jasmine,

I never saw myself with kids either untill hubby came along, :D

I came of the injection about 4 years ago and we thought we would let nature do the rest, we had a break for a about 5 months before we got married last may because I diddn't want to be pregnant on wedding day. As you can tell i'm still not pregnant, so we decided this month to start properly with the charting thing although i'm getting a bit worried because i don't think i've ovulated this month (could be a one off but i wonder if that's what the problem is!). :wall:

Anyway trying to stay possitive.

How long have you been engaged, are you hoping to get married soon?
Hey everyone!

Thanks agin for all the replies! Id just like to say im feeling really positive about my BFNs now and im determined to get there soon! Ive decided to do it properly this month like you Grace, so i went off to Holland and Barrat today and bought the vitamin Pregnacare, and some herbel teas. Ive already quit smoking 3 months ago so thats okay. Ive put df on zinc to get those spermies up to warrior standard and got him down the gym. It sounds like im a bit pushy really but im not we needed a kick up the arse and aunt Flo(Miss Trunchball more like) certainly gave us that!

Oh yeah and i was well up for charting my basal temperature but thought i would check out that book first 'Take charge of your fertility' by Toni Welsher first. Actually it looks so good and the girls on this forum really rate it so ive ordered that from amazon as its 7 pounds cheaper. hehe!

Am i going a bit overboard? You must know how i feel? Anyway sorry to hear the news of the no ovalution this month Grace its probably just a one off! I dont really understand the charts so thats why im getting the book really otherwise ill probably do it all wrong knowing dumb me! Do you find it hard to do?

Well sorry about the essay just got a lot on my mind... :wave: [/code]

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