I am new to the board and ttc and thought I would introduce myself. ( I am still confused by the abbreviations but trying to remember them!).
My history is I was on depo for around 7 years but due to the increased risk of osteoperosis (excuse spelling!) changed to Cerazette around a year or so ago. Another reason for change as was planning a family within the next year or so and depo can take around a year or so to get out of your system. Depo was great with no side effects(except little weight gain which is not entirely due to depo) or periods and cezarette was the same - both fab!
Anyway have recently got married so stopped cezarette on the 28th June and and now ttc and being very impatient with it too and its only been a couple of weeks!!
I didn't relalise that it took so long between fertilization, implantation and receiving a positive test! doh!
Anyway had a bleed on the 29th for 3 days - sooner than I anticipated! and am now just waiting to see what happens with periods returning to normal.
Have been trying daily! - well just incase you never know when you might ovulate! and have had sickness and stomach cramps for the past 4 days and am sure it is just my body readjusting but am secretly hoping they are signs!
Anyway nice to meet you all and look forward to chatting with you and sharing your stories.

I am new to the board and ttc and thought I would introduce myself. ( I am still confused by the abbreviations but trying to remember them!).

My history is I was on depo for around 7 years but due to the increased risk of osteoperosis (excuse spelling!) changed to Cerazette around a year or so ago. Another reason for change as was planning a family within the next year or so and depo can take around a year or so to get out of your system. Depo was great with no side effects(except little weight gain which is not entirely due to depo) or periods and cezarette was the same - both fab!
Anyway have recently got married so stopped cezarette on the 28th June and and now ttc and being very impatient with it too and its only been a couple of weeks!!

I didn't relalise that it took so long between fertilization, implantation and receiving a positive test! doh!
Anyway had a bleed on the 29th for 3 days - sooner than I anticipated! and am now just waiting to see what happens with periods returning to normal.
Have been trying daily! - well just incase you never know when you might ovulate! and have had sickness and stomach cramps for the past 4 days and am sure it is just my body readjusting but am secretly hoping they are signs!
Anyway nice to meet you all and look forward to chatting with you and sharing your stories.