Hello i'm new


Mar 9, 2008
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Hello ladies (and any gentlemen) just joined. Found out on Friday that I am expecting my second baby. Still in shock I think!!!

I am 40 live with my partner also 40 and have a beautiful daughter aged 2.
Hello! Congratulations on your second pregnancy :D :cheer: xxx
Thank you hope to get to know a few of you through our little journey :D
:cheer: :cheer: congratulations on your 2nd pg and welcome to 1st tri...

hope you have a happy and healthy 8 months

Welcome :hug: and congratulations on being pregnant again :D I too am expecting my second child :) loadsa love Sarah xxxx
Congratulations and welcome :wave: I'm expecting my 2nd as well xx
Hi and Welcome!!

I found out I am having my second on Saturday - which was also a shock (we had only been trying for a month!). I have also got a little girl who is two! I am going to miss my summer of sipping wine out of doors the most! WHY CAN'T WOMEN DRINK DURING PREGNANCY???!!!???? It would make it go much faster I think! Oh well, at least we won't have the hangovers - just the morning sickness :|

Can't wait for my second arrival!!! Worked it out to be November...

Julia xxxxxx
Thank you for my welcome. Julia - yes I know what you mean about the wine. I usually have a glass in the evening as my daily treat. I am drinking Shloer bucks fizz which is nice but not quite the same.

Have you announced your pregnancy or keeping it a secret for a bit?
Hi, congratulations and welcome to the forum. Hope everything is going well for you. Take care xx

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