Hello - I'm joining 2nd Tri today

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Hi Everyone,

I can't believe I'm finally in second tri! :dance:

I'm glad to be at 13 weeks, but switiching to this area of the forum is a bit like leaving reception (where you eventually become the oldest and get used to everything) and going up to primary school and being the youngest and newest all over again :D

Of course, I've "met" many of you already in other parts of the site (esp. Tri 1), but just thought I'd formally say, "Hello" on my first day here. I'm looking forward to this part of my pregnancy. :cheer:
Hello and welcome to 2nd trimester :clap:

I know how you feel - being the youngest and newest here - still at the beginning of the trimester myself, I haven't felt any of the second-stage feelings yet! Lots to come for us! :)

Hope you enjoy it here! :hug:
Hello Wendy :wave: :wave: :wave:

I felt like that when I moved to tri 2 but you soon get used to it and I dont feel so new any more
Hi Wendy - welcome to Tri 2. We look forward to speaking to you over the next months x
hey wendy glad u made it :)
:cheer: :cheer:

welcome to tri 2 and goodluck :) it will fly by :)
Scary going from being the big fish in a little pond to the little fish in the big pond but you'll be fine and grow with the rest of us babe, :hug:
Welcome to Tri 2 :wave:

It goes really fast here so enjoy it :hug: :hug:
hi wendywandy. :wave: ..How are things going for you. :clap: ......I am coming into the 2nd tri today. 13 weeks exactly.... :doh: :hug: :hug:
hi wendy congrats on getting this far and welcome. havent got many weeks left in tri 2 but hopefully we will get to speak. make yourself at home hun xxxxx
Hi Wendy,

and welcome! I'm sure you'll like it in here. It's a bit more enjoyable than 1st tri, especially when you get to your 20 week scan!

Hi - thanks for the lovely, warm welcome girls!

And I don't get a 20 week scan. Oh no - in this part of Scotland, you get a 5 min scan at 13 weeks and that's your lot! I had mine yesterday and just when I could crick my neck around to see the screen, it was all over. She didn't mention the due date or anything much and the 2 photos she handed me (out of 6 she tore off her printer) were rubbish :(

Still, I had had a private scan at 9 weeks that was great and a reassurance scan after a threatened m/c, so it was actually the 3rd time I've had one with this pregnancy (thank goodness - imagine waiting 13 weeks for THAT).

I think I'll be saving the money from giving up smoking (yes - I'm still off the cigs and also off the patches now!) for another private scan at 18-20 weeks because I want to know the sex, and of course to check that everything seems okay.

What's the earliest anyone's found out the sex on here from their scan?

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