hello i am new!! :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Hey i am jess and just ttc recently i already have a little girl who is 4. I have just come off the coil and this ttc is all new too me i dont have the first idea what i am doing??

i have been bd'ing from day after af for any chance and my dates of when af is due to arrive is very different.

i think my af is due to arrive on the 21st or 28th?? have always had v v weird af's since having my first child. but according to my online chart it says 16th or 18th??

i think ive been getting sign but i hope thats not because i am wishing these now if i think hard enough i could be but, i was sick yesterday morning after my first tea of the day.
i am v v tired even had a nap yesterday evening. headaches mood swings and back ache only thing that desnt hurt are my boobs, But they normally hurt a few days before af??

So this is v v confusing to me and not quite sure what to do lol ive tested and have all come up neg but thats what happened with my first i did loads of tests thinking i was and only got a pos when i was 9 or 10 weeks.

Lol thanks for reading this far and look forward to meeting you all :D xxxx
hello and welcome i have just come off the implant and my cycles are all over the place im due to come on any where between dec 24th and 18th jan haha! as my last cycle was 45 days long so im basing it on a 28 - 45 day cycle lol look out for watery or a stechy vaginal discharge thats the best discharge for ttc coz it only happens around ovulation the strechy (egg white) meaning at least 1inch strech between your fingers is the ovulation mucus but sperm can last from 5 to 7 days inside a woman the female ones last longer apparentally so good luck **baby dust**

Evie x x x x x
Welcome and good luck! We're all in it together! These are lovely ladies x
:wave: Welcome to Pregnancy Forum and good luck! Your symptoms definitely sound promising - maybe you did just test too early. Most online charting sites will assume that you have a regular 28 day cycle unless you tell them otherwise so that could be why their dates are different :)

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