how long do your boobs hurt before you O?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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I am not expecting to O for another 9/10 days (going by what my cycles off the pill were when I ttc my 2nd which were 34 days oing on day 19/20) but my bbs have started to hurt now - and I they used to only hurt 3-4 days before O. I also keep getting a stabbing pain that feels kinda like right in my pelvis to the side and radiating down into my cervix:eh:

I had a darkish ov test yesterday but it was not as dark as control and today is v faint, so no luck there. lol.

Am thinking I am going to have weird symptoms at weird times as I only came off the pill on the 3rd May - had very very light af on the 25th:oooo: hormones are wacko:wall2:
My boobs hurt on and off all way through cycle they a pain lol litteraly hehe my opks were never as dark as control line but I did ov as had pains and got my bfp very confusing all this ttc malarky lol x
I am way confused already - I have quite bad cramps (could be ibs though as I have been a bit stressed over last few days) but my bbs don't usually hurt with ibs, lol. argh!

And now I am reading so much of people not getting dark lines on cheapie opks I'm not believing them when I take them and trying to rely on symptoms which are all over the shot - I had super stretchy cm the other evening on cd9!!!

If we BD a lot anyway I wouldn't be so worried, but we don't oops
its a stressy time ttc and getting the timings right i always went by ov pain mostly and always started cd 13 only ever got very little ewcm it mostly stayed uo where it was meant to be lol x
it wasn't ttc stressing me out :(
aww ok it stresses me out specialy when its months n months ttc not so bad first few months x
I'm more impatient about ttc, waiting to O, waitng for testing or AF, wondering if my cycles are going to be normal or not etc.
Are you sure you are correct with your ovulation dates? Because breast pain associated with hormones (of the fertility kind) is meant to be due to the release of progesterone after ovulation.

x x
Hey Iwant3 :)

When I came off the pill in January roughly 2 weeks after coming off I had sore bbs and cramps for about 3 weeks, I became convinced at the time I was pregnant but it must have just been my body adjusting to not being on the pill.. I also got very emotional and tired... which again at the time I thought could be linked to pregnancy but was actaully just side effects of coming off the pill, after about 6 weeks everything went back to normal though.. I know you started this thread about 4 days ago, has anything changed over the last few days i.e. less cramps or less sore bbs? xx
nope - much more cramps and much more sore boobs in fact, lol!

I got sore boobs just before ov when off the pill ttc last time and they would then hurt all the way up until af, but the cycle I got my bfp they stopped hurting at about 4/5dpo :)
well at least then that sounds like a good sign that ov is on its way!! Fx :) x

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