Hello Everyone, Pregnant with Crohns Disease


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi Everyone,

I wasnt sure if i should join the site yet as im only 5 weeks pregnant but thought what the hell! I'm really nervous about the whole pregnancy as i suffer from Crohns Disease and had a serious flare last year. I'm not fussed about any sickness, sore boobs, weight gain, stretch marks or mood swings.. all i hope for is to get through the next 9 months without a flare of my crohns and to deliver a healthy baby.

Look forward to seeing you round the site and if anyone is in the same boat it would be good to hear from you.

Claire x
Hi Claire, try not to worry, I know someone who's got Chron's and she's got thru her pregnancy without a single flare up. I hope it's the same for you. xxx
Thanks Alicat. I have my appoitment with my gastro team soon to discuss the meds im taking so hopefully all will be ok.

Claire x
Welcome to the forum.....wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy :D :wave:
Hi :wave: Welcome to the forum.

I'm not familiar with Chrons Disease, but I'd like to wish you a happy and healthy 9 months.
I have crohn's... I got through my pregnancies without any flares...:) apparently its really uncommon in pregnancy because Crohn's is an autoimmune disease and the pregnancy reduces your immune system... mind you once you pop it seems to come back with a vengeance :(

I had other complications during my pregnancy...but the crohns bit was fine...if you have any questions just pm me... :)
Hi and welcome :wave:

Haven't got any experience with Crohn's but hope you get all the answers you need and have a healthy pregnancy :D
welcome to the forum! wishing u a healthy pregnancy :hug:

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