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Appointment with obstetrician Friday


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi all,

Well as many of you are aware i suffer from crohns disease and i have therefore been referred to an obstetrician who i am seeing on friday.

I have no idea what to expect so have written lots of questions down. Has anyone else got a slightly higher risk pregnancy for an illness and is under the hospital aswell as the midwife?

I have my scan the following friday and am absolutely terrified. I havent felt baby move yet and am so worried that the crohns and meds have effected the baby in some way. I can still hear the heartbeat with the doppler so am probably worrying about nothing.

I'll just be so glad when the next two weeks are over with.

Claire x
Hi Nori

I am under the care of my cosultant obs as I happen to teach his kids in school.

Have to say that it's a very comforting feeling being under the care of a specialist as he doesn't miss a trick. I've had extra blood tests and the dopler and stuff.

I'm sure it'll be fine...

Good Luck :wave:
Not as bad really but i have problems with my bladder and waterworks so im under the hospital as well. Im not worried about anything to be honest iv been quite lucky and my sypmtoms have eased ever so slightly with pregnancy. Seems like they're taking good care of us though!
Hey hun don't worry (easier said than done!) I'm sure everything will be fine. I am under hospital care as I have a heart murmur but they don't actually see me that often and I have been discharged from the consultants clinic, just see the M/W's at antenatal now . I understand how worried you must be feeling, I was very anxious about everything to begin with but now I've had a few appointments I feel a lot more reasured and sometimes even forget I've got a murmur!
As for feeling LO don't worry, I didn't feel anything until 17 weeks and it wasn't much to be honest, the real movement started at around 20 weeks. It can also depend on how your LO is lying.
Hope your ok hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
The appointment went really well and i actually saw the consultant not a registra i cant understand! I must say the team as a whole (midwifes included as i saw two of them) are so much cheerier than the gastro lot! I suppose i can understand why but they really put you at ease!

So.. i asked all my questions and felt so reassured afterwards. The consultant said that she had about 6 ladies with crohns recently and all had normal pregnancies, normal births and a healthy birth weight. She also said their symptoms improved during the pregnancy.

She said the drugs im on are fine to breastfeed on as only a tiny amount gets to the baby.

With regards to the diet she said that its amazing how little you actually need to get the nutrients the baby needs and as long as im taking the pro natel vitamins not to worry too much.

She said that if my health is ok and im not in a bad flare the birth weight shouldnt be any different than for a healthy person without crohns.

She said there is no evidence to say anything lke crohns passes the placenta and going overdue is not a problem.

She said the only reason they would consider doing a cessarian (apart from the normal reasons) would be if i had fistulising crohns and had problems in the past.

The only question i forgot to ask was the kicking but not too worried. She felt the baby and said it was in the right place and listened to the heartbeat.

So i just need to be monitored by my midwife and GP monthly and im seeing her again (if no further problems) in 12 weeks.

I have my scan next friday so will let you know how i get on. All keep your fingers crossed as thats the big scan which shows a fair bit!

Claire x

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