8 week scan on Tuesday


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi All,

Well i gave in and decided to book a private scan for Tuesday!!

I suffer from Crohns disease (inflammatory bowel disease) and had my hospital appointment with the gastro team last friday. They are putting me in touch with a Paediatric consultant so they can all monitor me throughout my pregnancy.

Im sure i would have been able to have a slightly earlier scan but couldnt wait any longer. I just want the reasurrance that everything is where it should be as i do get a lot of cramps (which is a symptom of crohns anyway).

So... im excited and terrified all in one!! Last year was such a nightmare for me health wise so sometimes its hard to stay positive.

Wish me luck!!

Claire x
Good luck hun :hug:
I'm sure everything will be fine. my sister has chrones and her son is absolutely fine and she had an easy pregnancy.
Good luck.....

I have IBS which is like a lesser form of chron's and I've had a couple of bad cases since I've ben pg and it's had me really worried.

I've got my 12 week scan next week and I'm terrified

hope you go on ok
quote="Chrissy1"]Good luck.....

I have IBS which is like a lesser form of chron's and I've had a couple of bad cases since I've ben pg and it's had me really worried.

I've got my 12 week scan next week and I'm terrified

hope you go on ok[/quote]

Hun Please dont worry, the two illnesses are very different. IBS is a healthy bowel whereas crohns is an auto immune disease which actually attacks the bowel which could result in a lot of surgery. I do sympathise with the condition though cos anything bowel orientated is horrible.

I know how you feel about being terrified.. im getting worse by the minute. Good luck with your scan and thanks everyone for the well wishes!

Claire x
I've just got back from my scan and all is ok and in the right place. I saw the little heartbeat and my dates are correct. Its so amazing i would really recommend it. Hopefully i will be able to relax a little now!!

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