Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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i have not been online much lately as my laptop is still broken! :(
i can only get online at work and its only at my lunch time which does not give me much time! :x
im hoping i can afford to get it repaired shortly! :cheer:

how is everyone! :wave:
i hope you are all doing well!! :hug:
the time is passing so quickly for me now!
i can not believe im nearly 1/2 way through already! :cheer:
i have my 20 week scan two weeks today!! im so excited! :cheer: :cheer:
i had the triple test done last tuesday and got the results yesterday,i was very relieved as they have come back low risk.
i have a 1:2700 chance of downs. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

health wise im feeling alot better now,im still retching but not being sick anymore! :D
i feel a lot more energetic in myself but am still ready for my bed after a long day at work and running about being a taxi driver for mike and dog walker for bobbie! :)
bubs heartbeat is still super strong on my doppler and baby is moving about plenty!
.....its harder to locate the heartbeat now then it was to start with!
im experiencing "quickening" (as ive been told its called!!) :cheer:
its only really noticeable on an evening when im trying to sleep but no major movements as yet. :D
im getting a proper little bump now and am gaining weight nicely! :evil: :twisted:
(grrr-not where it should be though!! :rotfl: )

i am getting a pully sensation in my lower stomach which im assuming is normal as im growing but the only concern i have really is if i cough suddenly or stretch one way or get up quickly i get a pain that only lasts seconds just below my bump? (on the sides)
could this be round ligament pain?? has anyone else had this??

well i will be off for now!!

hope everyone is feeling well and bumps are doing fine too!!

hope to be back properly soon when i get my p.c sorted!!

take care all!!

love claire x x x x x x :hug: :hug:
Heelllloo!!! :wave:

Been wondering where you had got too! :D

Glad to hear you are well! I had my 20 week scan on tuesday...its amazing..you'll love it!! :hug: So glad you're results came back low risk too, its a relief isnt it?! :hug:

I get stretching pains too and noticed pulling pains in my groin if I coughed to hard/sneezed or moved too quickly! I think its just the ligaments all relaxed and trying to adjust to being stretched! Just have to take it easy...... :D

Hope you get your laptop fixed soon! xxxxxxxxx
Hi Claire

Great to see you popping in and hope you get the laptop sorted out soon!

Sounds like you are definitely getting some round ligament pain, I have only had to call my MW once, and it was after a morning of falling on my hands and knees in absolute agony, although the pain only lasted for 30 secs or so, it was so bad it literally made me collapse - since then I still get it, although its more of a constant ache/bruised feeling now.

I was assured that this is round ligament pain which can be quite severe and generally starts around 18 weeks, and stops by 24 weeks!

Glad you are feeling well and see you back here permanently soon!!
hiya yey at movements!! i saw my tummy bouncing when i used to lay down at night from about 18 weeks on :lol: but found out i have an anterior placenta which explained my lack of feeling movements until then!

i had the pain when i coughed/sneezed/got up too quickly too so i wouldnt worry too much :) i think its just pulling the already pulling muscles. i agree though it is uncomfortable and caused me a bit of a worry at the start as i didnt know if it was normal or not!

glad to hear baby is fine and moving lots though! its so relieving being able to feel it!
Hi Due Date Bud!

I wondered where you were, glad you're ok, how are the waterworks? Better I hope!

I'm feeling movement too- so cool! Ditto the ligament pain, it makes me get out of the chair like I'm twice the size I am i.e. slowly and using my arms!

I've got my 20 weeks scan next Wednesday, when I'm 18 weeks (apparently that's ok so...?) I'm excited too although I feel a bit strange that that will be it then until they arrive!

Take care
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Welcome back! I did wonder where you'd got to.

I get really sharp pains too. Now when i sneeze, cough, get up, sit down....the list is endless....

Get your PC sorted!

i have a 1:2700 chance of downs. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Cool !! thats magic !!

im getting a proper little bump now and am gaining weight nicely! :evil: :twisted:
(grrr-not where it should be though!! :rotfl: )

Yep me too, only gain 2 lb, but my bump is getting quite big !!! too !

I am getting a pully sensation in my lower stomach which im assuming is normal as im growing but the only concern i have really is if i cough suddenly or stretch one way or get up quickly i get a pain that only lasts seconds just below my bump? (on the sides)
could this be round ligament pain?? has anyone else had this??

Yep I have been having this too, asked the midwife and she said not to worry !

Glad your back !

xxxx :hug:
hi all thanks for the replies!! :wave: :D

im glad to know im still remembered!! :cheer: (as ive really missed the forum!)
............just popping in at work before my shift as still have not got the pc sorted as yet. :evil: :twisted:
im hoping the manafacturers may take pity on me as regards the complaint ive made to them!!
its only just over a year and a half old and my laptop needs a £140.00 repair so its alot of money at the mo with little one due soon.

yay!!! ive just realised ive moved on to the middle baby!! :cheer: :cheer:

well id best be off and start work!!

take care everyone and i will be back as soon as i can!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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