Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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hi all! :wave:
yay! i finally got back online! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
my laptop is still playing up,the screen has gone dark and will not work but i have connected mikes monitor to it and the keyboard works with it!
(its a bit strange using a different screen but at least im online!!)

i can not believe it is my 20 week scan on friday 3rd oct!
i will be 19 and 3 days,it has come round so quickly!
we are going to find out the sex if we can!
everyone thinks it will be a girl! :D
i really don't mind what sex baby is but i am hoping i can find out so i know what colour to buy and do the nursery!! :cheer:

i hope everyone is doing well! :D

love claire x x
Welcome back!!!

How exciting about the scan. It will all suddenly seem so much more real once the shopping and spending begins!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: glad to see you back again. Good luck for Friday hun :hug:
Hi Claire

Great to see you back on-line :wave:

Look forward to seeing some photos after your scan - enjoy every min of it (its so different from the 12 week one)!

I was thinking you would have a boy, but time will tell :D
Hi :wave:

I'm sure it will be fine, it'll be great to see them, I loved every minute of mine after she reassured me that all looked well!

Glad you're back
:hug: :hug: :hug:
EllieBelle said:
Hi Claire

Great to see you back on-line :wave:

Look forward to seeing some photos after your scan - enjoy every min of it (its so different from the 12 week one)!

I was thinking you would have a boy, but time will tell :D

really?? :D
lol apart from mike (my OH) everyone else has said a girl! :D
eeek! im so excited to know! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
does anyone else want to guess!!

thanks for the replies everyone ive really missed the forum! :hug:
Hey there!!!! :D

Good to see you back! Glad you are well and good luck for your scan on friday!! its amazing
(had mine couple of weeks ago!)

I'm gonna guess..............girl!!!! :D
Welcome back :wave:

Everyone was convinced we were having a girl but he's a boy :D I thought it was a boy all along though as I am carrying him wide and high (imagine a small hippo :D ) and I have had heartburn from day one :D .

I hope you are able to find out at your scan - its such a lovely moment :D

Jane x
Hi Claire

My god i cant believe you are 19 weeks already..!!! That has flown by.

Have a lovely time at the scan on Friday, dont forget your tissues for when you find out if you are having a lil boy or girl. Its such an amazing experience.

I'm gonna guess at a Girl :think:

xxxx :hug:
Welcome back darling! glad you can get back online! looking forward to seeing your scan pics hun xx
Hiya Claire how exciting to have a 20week scan hope all goes well, my guess is Boy!

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