Hello all


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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:wave: Thirteen weeks today and I've come to join you all :D

I bring cake ;)


Also just received my induction date of the 12 Sept 2008 if I go overdue. Is this the record? Or does every health authority get these out quickly? :D
Welcome Mildly :wave: hope you've had a healthy pregnancy so far?

Seems like just yesterday I was 13 weeks, time has flown!

I got an appt made at booking for 40 weeks and 4 days to have a sweep done and talk about induction if I haven't popped yet, the midwife says that as its my first chances are I will go over, and they prefer to make appointments early so theres no chance of ladies going past 42 weeks.

Tasty looking cake :D TRI2 is fab, all the girls are lovely.
um no! noones mentioned induction to me but then again the midwife hasnt mentioned much at all to me tbh. I dont think i want an induction even if i go over so i wouldnt want it booked this far in advance. Though i do know someone who's just gone to 42+2 and ended in c-section anyway :shock:
Welcome to second tri!!!!
Hello :wave: ,

Welcome to tri 2!

I haven't had any inuction dates booked but I'm guessing it differs from NHS trust to trust.

Hope you enjoy your stay.

Alex xxx
Welcome to 2nd tri Mildly (and your scrummy cake :D )

I have not been given an induction date.
:wave: :cheer:
Hello Mildly! Welcome to 2nd tri! turns out it is actually nice over here!
Hello! Glad you made it, it's so great to be here! Nothing has been mentioned to me about induction either. When I was pregnant with my son, I had an appointment at 41+2 to discuss a sweep and induction but I went into labour before that so never made it. They don't make the appointments here until you are already overdue, and certainly not so far in advance, I find that a bit odd to be honest! All being well you won't need it anyway x
someone said cake.....

Hi by the way, im Chel-C, pregnant with a little girl and she is due in July.
You arrived :cheer:

Grab a knife, I'll start serving!!

(I will of course be having the biggest piece though ladies... :shock: )

Welcome to 2nd tri, that looks like a yummy cake!!!

Crikey, they don't mess about with induction appointments these days do they???? Must admit, I haven't had one here (I went overdue by 2 weeks with my 1st and I didn't get an appointment until I'd gone past my due date, and then when I went in they said there weren't enough staff and sent me home so I went into labour on my own anyhow!!!)
dannii...start serving?! ive been here ages, it's gone im afriad!
bellybump said:
dannii...start serving?! ive been here ages, it's gone im afriad!

WHAT?! :shock:

OK OK Chelster, If you've eaten in all, maybe someone around here has a bun in the oven?!

(Pleeeeease someone get the joke there... Don't leave my laughing at my own joke on my own :shock: ) xx

*edit (WITHOUT going for any sympathy vote, i wrote ':moon: i have two buns!')*

but yeah, i get you :)

would you like some more cake?

anyone think Salmon Paste Cake would taste nice

*edit again - how weird is it that i want to try that when i go home :shock: *
I think you need to get yourself down SPA (Salmon Paste Anonymous)... Sounds like you're on the bandwagon again. Remember though, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem :D

(Oooops. Why is it always me and you that are naughty and take over other people's threads?! :oops: )

sorry :oops:

at least this thread shows you what is in store. mad people, a salmon paste addict, post taker-over-ers, apologies, hyperness, lots of cake eating, scrap that, lots of just EATING! odd cravings...lots more

welcome to 2nd tri :)
That cake looks bloody lovely :shock: :)

Welcome to 2nd Tri :cheer:

To answer your question, where I am you don't get an induction date until you're overdue so your HA are very efficient

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