Hello all i am finally here officially!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
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Hello all i have made it to the 3rd trimester, can't believe where the time has gone. :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

I admit i have been gate crashing this forum for a while now but i can now say i am here officially :dance:

I really am enjoying my pregnancy on the whole and look forward to sharing the home straight with you girls. :cheer: :cheer:

Hope you are all well, look forward to chatting to you

Lisa (AKA Rusks :cheer: )
welcome to third tri rusks!! :dance:
there really helpful in here!
not long now and you will be meeting your baby! :D
Yay hello stranger!!

Great to have you here babes :hug:

Hopefully the time will fly for you :cheer:
Hello :wave: , it's scary here, all these brave women keep giving birth on just gas and air :shock: :shock: :lol:
:wave: Hey Rusks, welcome to the 3rd :cheer:
(I'll just move my huge ar$e out the way so you can sit down! :wink:)
I keep meaning to ask you, is that your dog on your avatar???
GREAT to have you here Rusks!
Welcome aboard! L xx :hug:
Misslarue said:
:wave: Hey Rusks, welcome to the 3rd :cheer:
(I'll just move my huge ar$e out the way so you can sit down! :wink:)
I keep meaning to ask you, is that your dog on your avatar???

no its our little nephew!! :lol: OH's sisters dog!! he is adorable :cheer:

thanks for all the welcomes. i feel right at home and yes it is scary how everyone is getting through it on gas and air Jocy, i am starting to feel the pressure!! :?
rusks said:
no its our little nephew!! :lol: OH's sisters dog!! he is adorable :cheer:

He is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!
I'm not allowed one :(
OH has put he's foot down. Apparently a dog, 2 cats and a baby on the way is plenty :roll:

I wish.... tell him my OH has got to put up with 4 cats,4 horses,2dogs,lots of chickens and a baby on the way :oops:
Totally our fault of course :shock:
jocymum said:
Hello :wave: , it's scary here, all these brave women keep giving birth on just gas and air :shock: :shock: :lol:

i noticed that also, having had 2 epidoodles i dunno whether ill have another, though the lack of pain is bliss lol

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