hee hee hee just one more dayeee.......


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2006
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until I join the stay at home mums to be club! :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer:

After another hour and ten minutes on the inferno-temperature bus I am SO ready for it!!!!!
congratulations... welcome to the ladies of lesiure club.. i started my maternity on Monday.. hated it to begin with but i'm loving it now!!!! and guess what????? the swelling feet don't swell up any more (well slightly) you can have little snoozers in the afternoon... its great!

oh yeah its great i got me a little routine going on!..got my old friends jeremy kyle, trisha, the easyjet crew from airline.... :oops: (this is how sad i am..and how sad daytime tv has become) have a little nap when theres nothing on..feel bad and clean up before OH comes home..stare at the nursery for a bit when i get bored.
feel fat and lazy and go for a walk....get some twinges come back home and resume the tv watching position!! lol

oh yeah not to forget...check the girlies on the forum and see which lucky buggers are having there babies before me!! :rotfl:
I am now finishing on Wednesday. I have booked the last 2 days as leave. I also took Wed of this week (giving me a nice break in the middle of the week) which are has really helped this week. So all in all a nice civilised finish - 4 days this week, then 3 days next week to end. Just not quite sure how I am going to get everything finished between now and then though :-(
Well, it's all over and what a great feeling! :D

So many warm wishes and some great pressies. I got a Bumbo chair, flowers, Pumpkin Patch clothes, Origins gift set, cuddly toy and a tube of Anusol! (Someone's little jokey!) :D

Here's to some long days planning in naps, shopping trips and forum checks before it all kicks off!! :dance:
hehe welcome to the darkside..jeremy kyle and afternoon naps combined with back ache and weak bladder! its like being 90! lol :rotfl:
NOOOOOOOOO! Not fair, by the time I get to my maternity leave you'll all be gone :( !!! Fantasic news for you LittleMinx, I'm just extremely jelouse - as you can probably tell. Still only 2 more weeks to go - AND I CAN'T WAIT!!! In case you hadn't noticed?
Talking about watching TV, anyone with SKY been watching any of the maternity ward and baby programes on (Living 2 and Discovery Health & Home), I think they're fab!! Think it's driving my OH half nuts though :D !
Daggers, can't believe you're watching the HORROR CHANNEL!!

I try not to watch the births but it's like car crash TV!!!!! :shock:

These last couple of weeks will fly by (promise) and soon you'll be able to get your TV fix all day!!!
LittleMinx - heehee, just like to let myself know what I'm in for! Maybe by brainwashing myself it will all seem so natural come the time :wink: . Just noticed you're exactly a week ahead of me! Other than being be able to chill out all day now ( :evil: ) you been feeling okay? Got anything planned between now and your due date or are you just planning to take it easy for now?
Still have to pack my hospital bag, been very lax and disorganised! Apart from that, catching up on a bit of housework and sleep!

Might also try a bit of Ebay trading, selling my wordly wares to survive through maternity leave!!!

And, if there's time, I just MIGHT pop on to the forum :D

Countdown now Daggers, 10 days to go, 10 days to go.............
Sounds like you've got it all sorted then! Don't start on the count down please! It was so difficult getting ready to go into work this morning! However I think I'll probably only go in 3 times this week 8), start winding down!!!!
Well hope you enjoy all this good weather! :D
birthing programs - they're horror movies!!!! i watched yesterday... a bloke with a bloody video camera with the light on shining right into his wifes bits... as the head was crowing and she is screaming... he's trying to get a better angle!!!! if my DH even joked about filming the birth i'd scalp him... with my nails!!!!! :twisted: :twisted:

My OH has made clear his intentions to stay up 'the pretty end' :)

Unfortunately, with my pregnancy acne and increasing chin quota, I'm no longer sure which end that is!! :(

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