Heavy feeling when you wake up?


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi All,

This is nothing serious and im not too concerned but does anyone have like a dull heavy feeling which is kind of pushing down on their lady bits. Its really hard to explain. It hurts when i move from side to side in bed (which i do alot) and when i first get up in the morning. It eases off when im sitting up and during the day.

Im sure its nothing..

Claire x
I get that all the time! :( With my others it was towards the end with the weight but this time I actually thought it was caused by the SPD?! :think: The other day I couldnt even wee!
Yeh thats how I feel lol! But then I do do my pelvic floor and the physio said mine was really good!? (she was so shocked lmao I told her I had never done the exercises ever and this was my 4th pregnancy) I feel like I need a big sumo nappy thing lol to hold it in place some nights haha :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
LOL Touch wood but I have never peed myself! (I shouldnt have said that coz now I bet I start) But I have noticed that when I have a wee, I wipe myself and a little bit of wee squirts out on my hand lmao! :rotfl: I have to make sure I have a mass of tissue just in case it does it!
This topic has gone into a whole other direction! lol

I spoke to my doc today and he didnt really seem too concerned. Its only really when i wake up and im in bed. The cramps in my buttocks at night are annoying me too!

Ah the joys of pregnancy.. would just like one good nights sleep! :sleep:

Claire x

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