Heartrate - gender wifes tale?

Small Flower

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Hey girlies,

One of my colleagues was telling me that she's heard from a friend of a midwife, that you can tell what sex your baby is from the heart rate?

She said if its fast over 140 then its a girl and if its slower its a boy.

How true do you think this is?

I have a midwife appt. tomorrow so will ask to listen to the babys heartbeat! So exciting!
I have heard that too. I don't know how true it is, but i am having a girl and her heartrate is consistently 150 bpm, so you never know!

Any preference?
All wives tales are exactly that - tales. They all have a 50/50 chance of being right.
Rosie1 said:
I have heard that too. I don't know how true it is, but i am having a girl and her heartrate is consistently 150 bpm, so you never know!

Any preference?

Cute avatar! Hmm thats interesting, would be good to see what you ladies are having and what your buba's heartrates are, just to compare.

This is my first buba, so I don't really mind - except I'm desperate to furnish the house in pink! My hormones are making me crave pink more than usual!
I'm having a girl and her heartrate has consistently been between 140 and 150. My midwife said it's a good indicator but not always accurate.
Small Flower said:
I'm desperate to furnish the house in pink! My hormones are making me crave pink more than usual!

I painted a pink and purple dragonfly on our kitchen wall :rotfl:
You could get some pink things just for you and share if you have a girl.

The heartrate will vary depending on what LO is doing - if there is a party in your uterus the heartrate will be faster than if LO is sleeping.
mines heart rate is consistantly high but im convinced its a boy, i'll find out 2mos, but i just thought the babies heart rate was high because mine generally is as well
Im having a boy and his heartrate is always over 150bpm. Nathans always was aswell :)
Hmm.. I'm deffo having a boy but have never looked at what heart rate is, I will look next time at MW and let you know x
Ooh, mine's looking more and more like a girl based on these old wive's tales!

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