Heart going too fast!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Hi ladies,

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

Since Sat I started having the odd palpitation, which increased, and increased and now it feels like my heart is thumping the crap out of my rib cage...... I could not sleep last night as it was so loud and thumping so hard.

I explained this to my GP last week but he seemed to shrug it off with no explanation at all...... it has since got worse and worse.

I called to speak to my midwife and was told she has left :o WTF?! Could they not let her patients know!!? So I don't currently have a MW to ask until a new one is appointed either.

It's really starting to get me down as I feel short of breath even sitting still....... just was wondering is this maybe normal due to the increased blood volume or something??


C xxx

i had a few investigations a couple of weeks ago with really bad heart palpitations but nothing came up apparently it is normal but would keep an eye on it if the palpitations last for a good few hours without stopping then i would go back moniter it and see how often they comew how long they last for do it for about a week and then go back.

i have heart problems in my familly so they were keeping an eye on me, they don't seem to be bothering at the moment.

oooo and nother thing you could ask to do is have a fasting colesteral test need to do it in the morning that is also a help to see if there is anything wrong if that come back fine then you now the pluming to your heart is ok, so then it could just be the blood flow.

sorry for long reply

hope this helps

bobs xxxx
Palpitations are normal in pregnancy. I suffer from them anyways and have had numerous tests etc during pregnancy due to a heart murmer also.

With regards to palpitations, if you have 3 or less per minute I have been told by cardiac specialist that this is within normal margins.

Palpitations in pregnancy can also be brought on by tiredness, stress, constipation etc. If your system slows down and gets clogged up, it can put that bit more pressure on other things and cause them.

I'm wondering if its palpitations though as you say your heart seems to be thumping the crap out of your rib cage. Palpitations are when things seem to skip a beat, then accelerate for a short time afterwards to compensate.

FWIW, your blood flow does increase so you might be noticing the extra workrate your body is doing. Also your organs are getting more squished up and pushing on your diaphram and aorta so this could explain you noticing a heartbeat more. What side are you sleeping on? It'll be louder usually if on your left, but thats the best/optimal side to sleep on for blood flow etc for you and LO. And if you notice it and fix on it then of course it becomes even more noticable. Many people notice their heart beat seems louder in pregnancy. I've read lots of comments in the past from women who notice this.

FWIW if you do a search of second and third tri's there are dicsussions on palpitations. Dannii posted on it a while back and I wrote a long detailed reply to her in 2nd tri iirc, and in 3rd tri others also had a good talk about it.
I get something similar and find that sitting down with a cold glass of water and doing controlled breathing *usually* helps. I think it's normal so try not to stress too much but if it starts to be painful get seen right away. If you don't have a midwife could you call the hospital and see an OB or a random midwife?
I had this a few weeks ago too! I started a post on it and the advice I got really helped me put my mind at rest (it's been said again by Sherlock ^^)

It's normal I'm afraid :( Pregnancy is great, the effects aren't!! x

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