Health Visitor... ANYONE ELSE?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Normally the HV comes in the afternoon but today she is coming at 11 and I'd forgotte last night.

So, I got up at 6 this morning, tidied the lounge, hoovered the lounge/stairs, washed and dried my hair, did my makeup (it was dusty cause I haven't used it for so long :rotfl: ), ironed all Jon's shirts that were hanging up in the hall and lit one of Kina's melts so it smells nice.... Evie isn't even awake yet! :roll:

I know they don't really care about it but I can't help it- I just feel like she'll note down "mother is a slob" on her notes :x

Anyone else go crazy for their Helath Visitor!?
she hasnt been since he was 3 weeks old :rotfl: but ive gone mad for the press visit today lol i mean proper mad :lol: prob means i dont do enough normally :oops:
i so paranoid about it i wont let her come to my house i meet her at the baby clinic
my house is spotless at all times day or night im a freek about cleaness yet i still worry people will think im a skank
She doesn't come to the house anymore. I gave up tidying etc when I realised she wanted to talk more about shopping than the baby! :rotfl:
No way! My HV only came for a week or so after the midwife stopped and then I was supposed to go see her. I think I went twice. I was better off talking to my mum (trained as a children's nurse) for practical advice and reassurance!
MY HV doesnt come to me, I go to her but the only time she did come here she asked me why the hell I had bothered getting dressed and put makeup on and had a go at me because I should be resting :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Shes cool 8)
:talkhand: I've made all this effort and she's late :shakehead:

Still at least its all done now so we don't have to worry about it later! :cheer:

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