head engaged to labour 2nd time round?

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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i saw mw this morning, and she said baby's engaged now :dance: asked her if she thought i had much longer left and she said well you've got between now and 17 days, which is when they'll induce me!

me and my mum are under the impression tho that with your 2nd baby tends to engage right before the magic happens. anyone know if thats true?? i really want her to come now!

am munchin on pineapple now to get her shifted, and have got the hugest pineapple i've ever seen to eat later! am gona have to get a pic of it before i eat it - its about the size of 3 usual ones!!
I didnt engage till I went into labour so I'd say it's time to get busy and get her out! :)
I hate to be the bearer of bad news :oooo: With my 3rd her head engaged at 31 weeks but she wasn't born until 35 weeks but my 4th engaged at 30 weeks, born at 31 weeks :D My sil's lo engaged at 30 weeks and she had to be induced at 40 weeks :doh:

But with Katie I engaged right before labour :yay:

I hope its a sign for you :hug:
god mamafy you have to spoil everything dont you :p my friggin tongue's burning! am gona get on the ball in a bit and go for another walk if the rain holds off.

am still measurin small again, 35 at 39 weeks. but its not botherin mw, and certainly not botherin me seeing as katie measured small!!
:rofl: You didn't want me to lie did you? :lol:

Get out for that walk and if you've got a birthing ball get boucing on it :D

Have you stairs? Get up/down those too, do it 10-15 times and by tonight you'll be in labour ;)
As for measuring small it's only because the head is engaged :)
i;ve measured small all the way thru, did with katie and she was 9lb12! am bouncing on the ball now and will give the stairs a go when i can find the energy!!
Measuring small with a 9lb12 baby...you must carry them really well. I'm measuring slightly ahead already :lol:

I'd also heard that subsequent babies tend to only engage just before labour so fingers crossed something happens soon xx
lol i was huge with katie, i spread everywhere! think it might be cos i'm only short tho! and she was really well tucked away, when she was born, her feet folded right back up to her legs,w hich was well freaky!!
i always thought they 'engage and go' second babies! hoping she's hear soon honey :yay:
omg i was bouncing with all my might for like 15 minutes earlier! kept going til i literally couldnt do any mroe! am having fajitas tonight and am gona have extra salsa and stuff! event ho my tongue's already burning from pineapple...i just want her here!!
I hope she comes really soon for you. Not to rub anything in like, but my friends who was due the same day as you had he lil girl this morning so i think you best be hurrying up :lol: xx
I thought with your 2nd that the head engages later, 2 weeks ago mine was 2/5th palatable...however you spell it! So hopefully its engaged and will be early im fedup. good luck.
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