HCG levels high but slow rising


New Member
Apr 29, 2014
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Hi all,

firstly this maybe a long post so my apologies but I am absolutely petrified.

I am pregnant exactly 7 weeks today (by my dates) all been fine until last week I had a few odd pains but nothign severe etc I contacted EPU who asked me to go in just to be sure on Friday afternoon, I had a scan which showed sac in the right place and there was development within the sac :) all this measured at approx 6 weeks no hb but they wasnt concerned about that and just thought I may have my dates out by a few days so no issue.... they then decided to check my HCG levels to see if that told them anything.

So had my first bllod taken at approx 3pm on Friday, I was then told to return on Sunday morning for more and they would be looking for approx 66% rise.

I went back at 9am on Sunday (42 hours later) and my levels came back at 9000 so not exactly what I wanted. I am now booked in for another scan on 6th May to see how things are.

Now I am quite confused as whilst I know my levels didn't increase as they expected it appears that HCG monitoring is unreliable once pregnancy reaches 6 weeks or the level is over 6000 as the levels can then take upto 96 hours for it to double!! I am also concerned that my blood was taken 42 hours later and not 48 as it shoul dhave been.

I have had a previously mc but my levels then were much much lower however I had the levels monitored over a 5 day period to compare the results and each test I had to have around the sametime (nomore than an hour out)

Hospital have told me not to worry etc as is my OH and family but it's easier said than done... I'm a total wreck!

I haven't had any bleeding or severe pain and still have usual pregnancy symptoms which I'm taking as a positive.
I know that some women can just be slow risers but I'm confused as most posts show levels really low wereas mine are actually quite high and still increasing by quite alot has anyone had experience of this? Any happy endings?
Hiya you didnt say what your first HCG reading was. It sounds like everything is fine, I know its hard not to worry, I would be exactly the same! But they are going up which is great, and seeing as the sac is in the right place, it being a bit slow wont mean ectopic, it could be that they would've been higher if they'd waited till 48 hrs, but if you've found info saying that it does go up slower as the levels get higher I reckon thats what it is, so horrible to have to wait, but fingers crossed at the next scan you'll see a little heart beat!!
Just keep in mind that they didnt seem overly concerned and you'll get another chance to see your little bean more quickly! Fingers crossed for you xxxx

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