Having another breast feeding blip


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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Im really not sure what to do next i have really mixed feelings about bf i do love it but im finding it really hard. Im lucky if dd goes 3 hours between feeds. Shes been really demanding and im sure my breasts are struggling to keep up with her constant demand for food she is putting on weight but not huge amounts which is upsetting she almost lives on my boobs. Shes has 1 bottle a day of 7oz which she drains and is hungry again 2-3 hours later :wall: She is also now waking 2-3 times in the night again. I had put it down to teething and 4 month growth spurt but its been going on for ages now.

A while ago the hv said that rather than give her another bottle i should think about weaning her. How do i know if shes ready for weaning? Im really looking forward to weaning but i dont want to rush her into it.

Its been one thing after another with breast feeding with me and its only been sheer stubborness, determination and you lot (so thank you all) thats got me this far im not sure if i can do it much longer.
TBH it all sounds pretty normal hon

i think some babies just feed a lot... connor is on the 9th centile line - slow in gaining weight and only just in 3-6 month clothes. yet until about a week ago he fed every 1.5-2 hours! it would be easy to think that he's not getting enough from me, but i don't believe that for a second.

now he's past 6 months we've built up to 3 meals a day but despite this he still boob feeds a lot.

he's never slept through, although once in a blue moon he might go 7-8 hours, and he usually feeds twice during the night.

he's v active - doesn't usually nap during the day and never stays still - so he must be burning off a lot of calories.

i never saw any of his night wakings, feed frequencies etc as cues for weaning - i just carried on giving him what he wanted (boob) cos his weight gain was steady, and i held out on solids til he was 10 days off 6 months and couldn't keep his hands out of my food.

your boobs are producing enough for your LO, its just that she might need to feed from them more often than you'd like... its hard work :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You sound exactly like me hun :hug: :hug:
The amount of problems i feel i have had with the feeding. It has been so hard for me and the only thing that has kept me going is my stubborness and the fact LO doesnt take a bottle :lol:

Your LO also sounds like my Calleigh. The '4 month growth spurt' has only just got better for us.
I perservered with the feeding even though she fussed away as she had to work at the breast to get the milk she wanted. I felt she was draining me and that she wasnt being satisfied etc etc.
I started to eat oats at breakfast time to try and increase milk supply and i gotta say it did help me.
She also started waking through the night when she had previously gone through. She still does wake but that has calmed down to two times usually at 1am and 6am so i can bear that :wink:
With regards to weaning the choice is yours as she is your baby. I am aiming to get to 6 months just with the breastfeeding. I perservered with just my milk through the 'spurt' and i have come out the other side :) But obviously every baby is different. Calleighs growth spurt has lasted over a month.

What you have got to remember your breasts will seem to be empty but they will always be producing milk so it will be there but our babies can be right lazy at times and not want to work for it. At times i was in tears and stressed about it and i still am having problems with Calleigh feeding at times.
The thing with breastfeeding is there is no 'normal'. Some babies will happily feed for 30 minutes every 4 hours, whereas others (like my DS) will feed for 5/10 minutes every half hour. 3 hours between feeds doesn't sound particularly unreasonable, and you will be producing just the right amount of milk for your daughter. You really can't compare a bottle of formula with a breastfeed, everything about it is different - the consistency, flow etc.

If you can, try to ride it out because chance are in a couple of weeks she'll be much more settled again.

Don't worry too much about the centile lines either. If she's putting on weight, then great! She's obviously getting what she needs from you.

Have some big hugs and rest assured that you're doing a fantastic job :hug:
Three hour naps between feeds a miracle...wow...sounds like your doing great. :D :D :D

When to start Weaning... there are no rules, try baby rice only mixed with breast milk, make it very runny to start with and only a teaspoon at a time.
Gradually increase the amount. I did this from 5 months until 6 months..and then introduced fruit and veg.
Hope that helps... Oh i used that super 4 grain baby porridge rice by plum baby very expensive but she really likes it. And the other grains in it have all the amino acids...very very good for you, but not anything you could have an allergy too!!

good luck and keep going :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I am a big boob :rotfl: :rotfl:
i dont really have any good advice but I think James and I have followed a similar pattern to yours. He's still feeding around every two hours or so and I'm just starting to see an improvement at the night time where by some nights, it's feeds at around 11, 2, 4 and 6 ish and others where he's missing the 4 feed and ohh they feel so good!!

I still don't want to wean too early just to get him to sleep though because I don't think he's actually showing signs in terms of interest in the food and being able to grasp ( I'm going to try the baby led style of weaning and i gather these are the signs to look for). I'm looking forward to more sleep; but equally after the weight problems, there is no way in the world I'm going to be pushing him to drop feeds in case I get it wrong. I'm sure (I hope :pray: he'll drop feeds as and when he is ready and able to)

I do know what you are thinking in terms of the breast feeding though. We've gone through hell so far to get things working; so whatever the next steps are for you... well done in coming this far :clap: and good luck!
I started Emms on baby rice at about the same stage as your bab - she was seeming really ready - e.g. reaching for my food, smacking her lips etc. She gobbled down the baby rice and is now on 2 meals a day, 1 babyrice and 1 vegetable.

It's up to you - if you think bab might be ready, go for it, if you're not sure you could wait a bit longer :hug: :hug:
Luke's never gone more than 2 hours between feeds hun. It's all normal x
Thanks everyone :hug:

I put 3 hours but that is a good day its more often than not 2 hourly but from you lot of said its quite normal. I will stop moaning now :D

Ive decided i dont want to wean her yet so im going to carry on for as long as i can.

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