Having an early scan tomorrow!!!


Aug 5, 2010
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Hi ladies, how are you all? Im new to this (joined today), so bare with me. :roll: Im 6 weeks pregnant today :-) and going for an early scan tomorrow morning and hopefully going to see bubba and its little heart beating!! Fingers crossed!! Has anyone been for a scan this early and seen i heartbeat? i will be 6 weeks 1 day 2moro!!
Thanks ladies x x x
Welcome and congratulations!

Good luck for your scan, I didn't have one that early but you might be able to see the heartbeat if bubs is positioned right xx
Hi and Welcome and Congrats on your pregnancy!!!

I've had two early scans this time round as in may i had a MC.

My first scan all that was visible was the gestational and Yolk sac, then i had another early scan 2 weeks later and got told i was 7+1 and both baby and heartbeat were visible.

I had to have the early scans as i had no period after my Mc so i had no dates to go by.

Good Luck at the scan x
Welcome to the forum and good luck for your scan! You might see the hb but don't worry if you don't . I think they say it is between 7 and 8 weeks when you should definitely be able to see it.
Thank you all!! i had one on my son and seen his heartbeat but i was 7 weeks by then. I just hope its there so i dont leave there feeling worried, i had a miscarriage back in April so im already on edge!!!!! I will let you now how i get on though!! 8.30am is the time.....god thats early!!!!!!
A question for you ladies: is it wrong that i am taking my 2 year old son with me to the scan? I have no choice as my family are either working or the majority of them dont know that im pregnant.lol. i know that he wont see anything but what do you think??
Good luck with the scan - i had one on monday at 8 weeks 5 days saw baby (although very small ) and heartbeat x Not sure how early this can happen though
welcome to the forum and good luck with your scan tomorrow. as for your 2 year old, i doubt he will really understand what is going on so i wouldn't worry too much... :-) xx
haven't had an early scan, but wanted to say congratulations and good luck tomorrow xxx

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