havent had a period?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2006
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i havent breastfed molly since she was 3 weeks old but ive had no sign of a period yet? shes now over two months not even a little bleeding how long after giving birth did you guys have periods? i breastfed my first untill he was 6 months and still had periods, and my second i tried bf for a few weeks and i remember at least having a light one after 6 weeks.

I only had my first perios 2 weeks ago
have been wondering about this too. I stopped breastfeeding alex when he turned 3 months but for the last 6 weeks I have felt as though it was coming at anytime and still nothing. I'm dreadng it but would rather get it over annd done with.

Yes breastfeeding can delay having your af inmost women although some still get it. ive had a light bleed two months ago but has disappeared again? very confusing, on sat i had cramps but no af
i had a period 4 weeks after the birth (lochia had stopped after 2 weeks)despite BFing. but then at my postnatal check at about 8 weeks postpartum (check?! yeah right, more like ok how are you doing? ok? good, here's a prescription for the mini pill - bye. maybe it was because i had a section?) i decided to go on the mini pill (cerazette) and i haven't had another period since. i know the mini pill can cause spotting at first and then your periods may become light or disappear, but i didn't even have any spotting. not complaining! :lol:
I was a little worried as ive been feeling a bit sick thought i might be pg again i havent had a chance to get contraception ive just got it now but i want to get an implant which you can only get after period or if you are totally sure your not pg, i bought like 20 condoms but oh refuses to wear them have only had sex twice without one but its possible i dont want to start taking the pill i got just incase so ive got 2 pregnancy tests early ones just incase should be here on friday. :?

i want another baby but definatley too soon feeling sick now, if i am my oh must have super sperm i should start selling it.

I haven't had a period for about 17 months now :cheer: :cheer:
Sounds like it could be possible Hannah - you're supposed to be super fertile in the first 6 months after giving birth. Hope for your sake that you get the result that you want though :hug:
I didnt have one til nearly 5 months after & BF for 10 weeks

i do think i am to be honest cause im feeling sick and bloated but i cant be sure the only thing im worried about is all my family they think im crazy and its funny cause its all my fault no one looks at my oh and says when are you going to stop having babies men get away with everything :roll: its kind of 50/50 i kinda hope i am but again i hope im not whatever happens ill be ok with it if im not ill just start taking the pill and get the implant when my period arrives, if i am in 9 months there will be another molly cant be that bad. :D

i did a test to day second test ive done still negative they are the early ones so i think im just worrying relieved now i can start taking the pill yay :cheer:

:puke: Do you think it's worth having a blood test just to make sure everything is ok? Good news on the tests though (as that's what you wanted :) )
i do really want another one but i just want to spend more time with molly first im sure everythings ok if im still feeling sick next week ill go to doctors maybe its the onset of a period cause im getting cramps too.
thanks for your help :hug:

We must be feeling the same, I'm feeling really sick and have bad cramps too. Guess AF will be here soon for us both!!

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