Have you bought your pram?UPDATE page 3 - help me choose!

We got the mothercare trenton deluxe travel system in black.
Had a good play in the shop - seemed ok - haven't taken ours out of the box yet!
It is in the sale at £230 - if you open a mothercare card you get vouchers and save another £20!!
So ours cost £210 - I thought that was good for the carseat and the buggy and carry cot bit.
We have 4 Cosatto's.


Grace, Rome & Jaida's

They both say the same thing :)
When i was having my son i brought the loola and i loved it until he went in the bigger bit, then it got too heavy and it was very wide to get in the front door as well as shops.

This time ive brought this one:
http://www.mamasandpapas.co.uk/product- ... 01/type-i/

And im in love with it!!!!! :D

also got the car seat to match, it was abit more money than the loola but i wanted it !!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
tallulah73 said:
I love this one....

http://www.mamasandpapas.co.uk/product- ... 38/type-s/

bit expensive though but are selling on ebay for much less

I got the Ultima with my daughter but with the MPX chassis! TBH it split at the seams in 4 places! Not what you want with an expensive pram! But I did love it! Great to push etc! I still have hers in the loft! Its a little broken now but cant part with it! (well unless someone asked me for it! Then I would I guess! Seems silly to keep it in the loft!)
My mum and dad have treated me to the pushchair which is great. Ive gone for the silvercross 3D which has the lie flat pram and the pushchair. Ive also got the car seat which clicks on.

Claire x
i've been looking but my mum says she will treat us to an expensive one, whatever we like :D when im 30 weeks. I have to wait ages but i cant say no to that!! :dance:
i had so long to decide what i will have think i am going for the silvercross 3d my aunt has it and i love it
they have graco travel systems at argos warehouse at the moment for £69.99 think i will be getting one of those, even if its just one we leave at the grandparents :D
~*Leanne*~ said:
I am getting fed up - been looking for ages now and i cant seem to find a pram i like!!! :(

i want a travel system. i saw one, a Graco travel system, and its in the sale ATM at Babies'R'us BUT......its got green on it and OH thinks its too 'boyish' - that was my initial thought too but i really liked it, oh god im stressing so much i just want to find a pram now lol

has anyone else got their pram yet? if so, what is it? :D

I got a Graco TS from Babies R Us which I LOVE!! It's sooo easy to move around and pretty light and very easy to pop up and down - It's black and a bit of grey. Reduced from £249.99 to £149.99! (Plus got further discount for joining their baby club)

I wanted our pram early and got very impatient. Now it's just been sitting there lonely for 3 weeks
We had a look through the Babies R Us catalogue and Mothercare catalogue last night and its between:-


this is the one from Babies R Us

or this one from Mothercare

i think im going more with the Graco one from Babies R Us - what do you think? :D
We went for the Loola one - apparently it is one of the only ones where the flat infant bit that clicks into the frame is specially designed to be able to be used as a bed. We liked the fact that all the bits come off - we can leave the chassis in the porch, and bring all the bits inside....

Bexie said:
I can't make my mind up over what to do about getting a buggy/pram. My little girl will be 22 months when her sibbling is born. At first I was thinking about getting a Phil and Ted's double buggy, but then I heard some bad reviews and I don't like the idea of the little one not being able to see anything as you are out and about. Can't get a double buggy as we wouldn't be able to get it out of our gate, I'd have to open the buggy accross the road as we have no pavement directly outside our front garden, then I'd have to go back into the house get the kids and put them in the buggy - too much hassel me thinks.

One option I've thought is getting a new buggy for Phoebe and carrying the baby in a papoose for a few months or so and then putting a buggy board on the back for Phoebe and baby can sit in the buggy. Ooh the dilema

hey hun thats exactly what i was thinking of doing. i saw a beautiful tandam on sale for an amazing price, was meant to be $270 or something like that (iv seen different prices about for it) but mannaged to pick it up for $80!! i was really happy when i bought it but i miscarried and now im pregnant again DD is going to be too big really and its daunting thinking i will have to push that dam train about for months soooo.... i was going to sell it on ebay, but mannaged to sell it yesterday to a shop called recycled kids, you dont get the money right away, they put it up for sale for you and then when its sold, they give you back 75% of what they make (everything sells so quick in there esp. new stuff), which will be what i payed for it so im happy with that. so me and OH went out yesterday buggy hunting and saw this.. http://www.sears.ca/gp/product/images/B ... =397734011 fell in love with it and decided to buy it :cheer: were picking it up on friday wooooo!! :D im looking around for a buggy board right now and we will be buying a sling incase too. :) hope you find your pushchair hun x

also Leanne, i had the graco with my DD and it didnt last that long i had to sell it coz it took up our whole boot of our car and it was such a dam pain as it was so bulky but after i sold it i did miss it (just not the size) hehe x
~*Leanne*~ said:
We had a look through the Babies R Us catalogue and Mothercare catalogue last night and its between:-


this is the one from Babies R Us

or this one from Mothercare

i think im going more with the Graco one from Babies R Us - what do you think? :D
This is the one we went for;

http://www.toysrus.co.uk/Product.aspx/b ... aco/722499

Has £100 off at the moment!!

It was much lighter and less bulky than the Mothercare one you have a pic of as we looked at that and the other one :)
Jimmer said:
We went for the Loola one - apparently it is one of the only ones where the flat infant bit that clicks into the frame is specially designed to be able to be used as a bed. We liked the fact that all the bits come off - we can leave the chassis in the porch, and bring all the bits inside....


Thats the one we are going for too Jimmer :cheer:

What colour are you getting? We are sticking with the black, i love the Cream/Choc one but it wont stay clean for 5 mins so had to put my practical head on.

Other thing to decide is when to buy it??

I'm confused now!!
Was out with my friiend today and she told me I shouldn't have got a travel system.. all I need is a car seat and a folding buggy :( I'm thinking about returning our Trenton now!! I am a bit concerned that it's not going to fit in our boot when it's folded (we have a Yaris).
In my opinion - a travel system is great for when they are newborns, but i found on most travel systems when i was no longer using the car seat that the buggys were bulky etc and i didnt ike that.
And there not bus frindly either.

So invested in a silver cross pop and absolutely love it. Its perfect for imogen now shes older and still reclines loads, the leg rest can be made leve with the seat for sleeping babies, i can see her thru the parent window and folds like a dream and is easy to handle.

Get two types, get a cheaper travel system for when there noobs, but when there older you have a pushchair as well thats very versatile that can be stripped to a stroller for summer.

Expensive, yes it is but try ebay, theres lots of companys that do re conditoned models and there in excellent condition.
mrs_tommo22 said:
In my opinion - a travel system is great for when they are newborns, but i found on most travel systems when i was no longer using the car seat that the buggys were bulky etc and i didnt ike that.
And there not bus frindly either.

So invested in a silver cross pop and absolutely love it. Its perfect for imogen now shes older and still reclines loads, the leg rest can be made leve with the seat for sleeping babies, i can see her thru the parent window and folds like a dream and is easy to handle.

Get two types, get a cheaper travel system for when there noobs, but when there older you have a pushchair as well thats very versatile that can be stripped to a stroller for summer.

Expensive, yes it is but try ebay, theres lots of companys that do re conditoned models and there in excellent condition.

we have just bought a travel system for new baby but also have DDs Jeep that folds up tiny we will keep for when babys a bit older, it also reclines to laying position and has a leg rest that is same level so baby is really comfy. i find the jeep perfect for traveling with.
Leanne, out of the two I prefer the Graco as its black and Im not as keen on the navy!!

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