Have you bought anything yet?

madam bully

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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Just wondered if anyone had caved into the urge to buy something for your little bean yet?

I so want to but OH won't let me, saying it's bad luck but that doesn't stop me wandering into Mothercare like I have a homing device whenever I get the chance!
Yep we've got loads of baby clothes, booties, mittens, changing matt and bag, sterilizer that came with bottles, 2 bouncy chairs, cot mobile, blankets, sleep suits, bibs, baby grows and some other bits and bobs. Some of it we got given and for some reason we keep getting offered bouncy chairs!
Yeah I'm the same as your husband - highly supersticious as it turns out. Appart from not wanting anyone to know I can't even consider buying baby things. As soon as I'm in tri2 I'll get shopping!
My sister is so excited se keeps buyin things! A bouncy chair, bodysuits, booties, rattles t shirts, romper suits and loads of blankets! I havn't bought anything myself, and at this rate I wont need to!! lol :rotfl:

Piglet xx
No not yet, i keep looking online but will resist until after the scan!
Yes we were naughty :angel:

We bought a cotbed and changing table recently because it was on sale :cheer:

We also have the moses basket, some booties, a change bag, a shawl and a few wee bits and bobs. Had my 12 week scan so its not that naughty :wink:

im not superstitous because i followed all these "rules" the first time and i had a silent miscarriage so i believe that if it will happen it will happen and there aint no such thing as tempting fate some things are meant to be. i also buy things cus it helps me stay positive and you are making yourself believe everything will be ok! i have bought some baby suits from ebay and some little booties etc, also got a moses basket and a changing station. i am finding it hard to find neutral colours tho anyone got any ideas of where is the best place to go. xxxx
I agree with that Kim.

I went into a baby shop in town about a month ago, I picked up a baby suit and the women behind the till asked me how far gone I was and she said "oh it's bad luck to buy things before 12 weeks" I felt like saying - so are you telling me that if I buy anything before 12 weeks i'll basically be killing my baby?!!!
I have not brought anything yet but have been looking :D

We are not finding out what we are having this time so it's harder to buy as like you kim finding neutral colours there isn't much about thats as nice as the blue and pink stuff! im not so keen on all the white and lemon stuff, i may just get something in pink and something in blue and take them both with me when i have the baby then go shopping and buy LOADS when baby is born :cheer:
I would love for sex of baby to be a surprise but OH wants to know so i have given in altho i have a sneaky feelin it is a girl!! i too cant find any colours other than white or lemon, maybe they will bring sum more out when summer fashion comes in, i like the beige and browns but cant find them anywhere!! xxxxx
See I want to buy something, I don't know what, I just have this urge to buy something!

Maybe I will buy a little teddy or something just to satisfy myself! :lol:
rrr i was so the same with ellis.... but i havent even though about buying anything yet!! cant be bothered :rotfl: :rotfl:

madam bully - I was the same.
I really wanted to get something special, but not go crazy, just something I could put in a drawer and save. So I eventually got a lovely miffy mobile for a cot. It satisfied my shopping urge (for a while at least!)

(here's an ebay link to the one I got -
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Miffy-musical-mob ... dZViewItem)
eightball said:
madam bully - I was the same.
I really wanted to get something special, but not go crazy, just something I could put in a drawer and save. So I eventually got a lovely miffy mobile for a cot. It satisfied my shopping urge (for a while at least!)

(here's an ebay link to the one I got -
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Miffy-musical-mob ... dZViewItem)

That is so cute eightball :D
If I have a girl I have most of the stuff I will need, if it is a boy I'll have to buy some things so I think I'll hold out until my 2nd scan for proper things. I might be tempted to buy some neutral things or baby toys if I see some I like. Ooh it's so exciting :D
All I have got so far is one of those baby record books (a Humpfreys Corner one, I love that little elephant!) a set of Superbaby bibs, an a Superbaby Hat and mittens set (from woolworths). I saw the bibs before we knew we were expecting, and Paul promised I could have them, so as soon as we got the positve test, we went and bought them!
I haven't bought anything yet because I want to wait until after my scan, and I'm scared that once I start I won't stop! This is the first baby, grandchild, niece/nephew, baby of close friends so it will get spoilt rotten anyway!

I'm not really superstitutious about buying baby things before the 12 weeks. I've already bought baby books for me and OH so it's not like I don't have things lying around that would remind me of the pregnancy should anything go wrong :(

I agree with what someone on the other page says - if it makes you feel happy then go for it. Better to stay positive I think.
:rotfl: I went through mothercare today, looking at EVERYTHING.... :roll: :) Saw the cutest little teddy new born slippers....suit boy or girl and only a fiver.....but my sister said I'll buy them as soon as babies here.... :? lol
If she hadn't said that they would have been in my basket, came out with a catologueso i can look some more..... But i do have loads of stuff from when i fostered for years, from my sister and from other family too... so i guess i woun't need much..but I will still buy :rotfl: can't resist :hug: Lv Yvonne xx
It's the grandmothers-to-be that are buying all the baby stuff! My mum got us 3 baby suits, socks and vests today and the MIL got us a pair of booties! I've only bought a Pregnancy Bible book!

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