Have lots of questions but will post them all here help!


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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So, yes, I confess it! I am obsessed! After I had my miscarriage in July I am just obsessing with this pregnancy.. if I dont feel something, I am like

Anyway, i went and i saw my doc. He said that my levels of HCG at 161 at 14dpo and getting a positive HPT at 10dpo are great news and wondered if I would be having more than one! i dont know about that, time will decide!

I told my doc i am not having sore boobs, he said its ok and not to compare the internet list of symptoms with me now!

Ok, so I have a couple of questions.. didnt ask my doc coz i just had them now. He prescribed me Duphaston. He thought I was stressed about the whole thing and told me to take 2 pills everyday which I am for the past two days. I used to feel some cramps from my last ovulation time until this week.. I havent felt those cramps anymore, is this ok? I used to feel even bloated and dont much now.. is this ok? also, I had an eye inflammation this morning, my eye was hurting since yesterday, dont know the reason..is it something bad?? please help!!!
Cramping disappears - trust me on this! Also the bloating disappears - well it certainly did for me. As for your eye - no idea. Could just be coincidence.

Hope you relax soon about this and begin to enjoy it.

As for the sore boobs - i haven't had this, not looking forward to when it start. Every woman is different and like your GP says not all women get all the symptoms at once. Take care x
yay! tots hope you made me relax! I just cant wait and get over with the first ultrasound. I just wana make sure evrything is ok so that I can enjoy every second of it, with the help of God. I am driving myself crazy I swear, i just cant control it.

I am praying all the time and hoping this are meant to be this time.

thx again! :D
You might have conjunctivitis in your eye so perhaps get that checked out? You can get some eye drops which are safe in pregnancy. I had it a few weeks ago and it cleared in around a week :D

Congrats too! :D
I never had cramping in my early stages and bloating only kicked in for me when I became constipated (due to having to eat because of nausea) around week 6. I had sore boobs from literally day one is seemed, but not everyone has that happen. I was also extremely tired from very early on and would fall asleep at the drop of a hat.

Remember ecah woman is different and not everyone will have the same changes going on in their body at the same time. Please try and relax a little about it all.

Regarding your eye inflammation, it may just be you got something in it this morning and if you bathe it gently and then leave it alone it will settle down. If it was weeping and you had lots of sleep in it on waking and it was stuck together then maybe its conjunctivitus and you'll need eye drops but its probably nothing to do with being pregnant.

One thing I would suggest if you are doing so or haven't stopped already is to not read everything you can online as I think it can often cause worry when there need not be any. You can sit and spend far too long reading pregnancy stories/conditions and so on and your mind can start to think things that it really need not :)

I did that to start off with, not because I was worried but that I was curious as to what might happen. After a few days it did my head in and I stopped. I figured that as I displaying my signs of being pregnant, had not had bleeding or bad cramps then there was little to be done and to just get on with things. I left it to nature to takes it course, which is all you can do, as hard as it may seem.

I know it must be difficult to not worry after a miscarriage, but really, try to relax and enjoy this one. Chances are before you know it you'll be stuck with your head down a loo throwing up or needing to pee every 15 minutes and wondering what the hell were you worried about :lol:

:hug: :hug:

Feel free to drop me a PM anytime if you want to talk :)
I didn't know I was pregnant at your stage but I do remember feeling some cramping a couple of weeks before I found out, it only lasted for 2 days though. I didn't get any proper symptoms until 6 weeks when I started throwing up (which is when I took the HPT). I never got sore boobs or any of the other 'classic' symptoms other than the sickness. Everyone's different so try not to worry about your symptoms (or lack of them).

It's really scary in first tri for anyone, I've never had a miscarriage so won't insult you by trying to imagine how you're feeling but it's perfectly normal to worry right up until the end! Even in 3rd tri I used to worry constantly about whether my baby was moving enough, what that pain was, etc!

Congratulations, I hope you can relax a bit. :hug:

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