Hi ladies
I have done two first response tests one yesterday morning and one this morning.... both with a negative result sadly. Im due to come on my period on the 31st, would any of you say I have tested too early?
I have lots of symptoms .... feeling sick, headaches, lower back ache, Montgomery turbicles on and around nipples and my emotions are all over the place. Im
Now thinking Im in for one hell of a heavy period. I have decided no more testing now, will wait and see what happens.
Id like to know your thoughts, thank you
I have done two first response tests one yesterday morning and one this morning.... both with a negative result sadly. Im due to come on my period on the 31st, would any of you say I have tested too early?
I have lots of symptoms .... feeling sick, headaches, lower back ache, Montgomery turbicles on and around nipples and my emotions are all over the place. Im
Now thinking Im in for one hell of a heavy period. I have decided no more testing now, will wait and see what happens.
Id like to know your thoughts, thank you