have I been really stupid?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006
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I think I may have done somethng really stupid last night. I was feeling a bit stressed so decided to go for a bath. I like my baths nice and hot so thats what i did, and layed in it for almost an hour.....

It was only once I had finished that I realised that you aren't supposed to have hot baths, saunas, hot tubs etc when pregnant.... I'm now really panicking that I have harmed the baby. Can someone please help me put my mind at rest.....

I'm not normally a worrier but being pregnant has turned me into one. I'm not having any other preganancy symptom than sore, swollen breasts (they are obscenely large) and as such keep pressing them to check they are still large and sore (I must look like I'm groping myself all the time as its become a bit of an absentminded habit)...... I keep worrying that something is going to go wrong...what is happening to me???? I'm usually the strong sensible one....
HI mate

try not to worry, even though its hard.

I didnt realise either and had a few jaquzis (sp?) on holiday but I have since had my 20 week scan and all is ok.

Its just one of those things you shouldnt do ''just incase'' no ''deffinatley because'' if you know what I mean

Try not too worry too much, one hot bath is highly unlikely to have halmed your lil baby. The reason you are not supposed to have hot baths is because babies cannot regulate their own temperature - We control baby's temperature and by having hot baths etc.. babies get a little hot!....There has been links made to increase in core body temperature in association with the increase in birth defects which is why its advised that pregnant women avoid excessive heat, especially during the first trimester.....However one hot bath is unlikely to have caused any halm. Try not too worry too much. I had a few nice long soaks in the bath when pregnant!
ive had loadssssssss of hot baths.... dont worry

a baths not a bath unless ur bathroom is lovely and steamy...

altho my bump gets cold poking outa the water now... something u can look forward to in a few months ;)
Don't worry!

i've had a few too :hug:

My OH comes from the land of saunas..Sweden.

His friends g/f still takes saunas as it is normal for Swedes to take saunas regularly and they all do it whilst pg and haven't been told otherwise!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
dont worry hun

ive had a few this time and with my last pregnancys :hug:
Tick-Tock said:
II'm not normally a worrier but being pregnant has turned me into one. I'm not having any other preganancy symptom than sore, swollen breasts (they are obscenely large) and as such keep pressing them to check they are still large and sore (I must look like I'm groping myself all the time as its become a bit of an absentminded habit)...... I keep worrying that something is going to go wrong...what is happening to me???? I'm usually the strong sensible one....

I think everyone else has done a great job of reassuring you, so just wanted to say, "Welcome to being pregnant". You will find yourself checking everything in the months to come, don't worry it's all normal and a great sign that you will be a wonderful mother :hug:

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