has anyones choice in food changed?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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i've always had a sweet tooth and throughout my preg i've been craving choc non stop but in the last two weeks i have really have gone off it and want cheese and biscuits and more savory things
Dunno... but before I got pregnant with Tia... I used to love sweet things... even had sugar in my tea.. the minute I got pregnant with her I went off everything sweet... but never got my sweet tooth back after she was born...

This time round I'm craving things I usually despise.. like tomatoes.. :puke: I still won't eat them though because I really can't cope with them.. dunno why its a dislike that's developed into a mild phobia I imagine... but I still look at them and think how nice they smell...
ive started fancying more fruit, fresher foods, i've gone off foods tht make ur mouth all gacky n gooey except chocolate. ive always been a chocoholic but its gone to the extremes in this pregnancy, ive only gone one day without it lol
annem said:
i've always had a sweet tooth and throughout my preg i've been craving choc non stop but in the last two weeks i have really have gone off it and want cheese and biscuits and more savory things

apparently thats a boy craving? but your having a girl right? Bloody old wives tales :rotfl:
I just eat what I want when I want it tbh...although I have a bit of a thing for desserts which never used to be my "thing" at all.

I find that certain foods leave a horrible taste in my mouth, chocolate especially but I still crave it. I'm into fresh flavours like fruit, raw carrots and things at the minute. (oh and my bathroom sponge!) :rotfl:
girlygirl said:
apparently thats a boy craving? but your having a girl right? Bloody old wives tales :rotfl:

Oh yeah. I love old wives tales though! But they were not very sure at the 20week scan and said girl but at my 4d scan again they said they did not want to say as could not really see well enough so we thought we'll just wait and see :D
No I just wanna eat everything! :D xxxxxxxx

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