Has anyone used a Haberman teat for a baby that only BFs?


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
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I'm finally getting better at expressing milk!! (Yay - 40mls in one go and one boob today!!) but munchkin still won't even discuss proper feeding from a bottle - she doesn't hate it but she will NOT suck, she 'chews' a little out but nowhere near a feed (about 5ml all told?).

In Oct/Nov I have my first keeping in touch days at work and I'm trying to plan ahead so that I can leave breast milk for her rather than formula as I'd like to see BF'ing through to finish (whenever that may be!).

I saw the Haberman teats on ebay and then found this website http://www.poshmums.com/breastfeeding/h ... onials.htm . I'm always a bit of a sceptic od testimonials on wewbsites but this sounding exactly what we need.

Any experience of these? thoughts? Or other ideas re teats etc.
Sorry to jump in on your post hun but i would also like to know if anyone has any experience of these too.

Calleigh does not do the bottle either, exactly like your LO she has no idea what to do with the teat, she just rolls it round in her mouth or pushes it out with her tongue.
I have an evening out planned for the beginning of October and feel that i will have to sell my tickets if i cant get her to take milk another way by then :(
I've just been given a harbermans to try but havent yet, its still new in the box. Gunna give it a try though see if Ellie will take it :) X
We have one and used it a few times. As far as I remember it was quite good but Luke didnt have enough bottles really so we kind of wasted our money on it...
It is very good because they have to really work at it to get milk unlike conventional teats which allow the milk to drip out. It also reduces colic because no air can escape with the milk.

It was a waste for Luke because he didn't have many bottles and didn't mind a conventional teat.

The only minor downside is that it's hard to test the temperature of the milk by allowing a few drops on your wrist because you have to squeeze the teat to fill it with milk and once it's full, it won't go back in the bottle.
Sorry I sort of hit and run on this - thanks for the replies. I asked about the teat when I took her to be weighed but no-one had heard of them. I was told though that it's really common for BFed babies not to accept the bottle and it usually sorts itself out with persistance rather than gadgets unlerss there's an underlying problem. As well as that another lass in the group has given me a spare (unused bless her!) tomee tippie (sp??) bottle with the breast like teat to try.

I'm going to try what we have first and see what happens - if we get really stuck I'll give the Haberman a go rather than give up! I'll post what happens.

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