Has anyone had a baby pre-term/threatened premature labour?

I don't know if I ever remember anyone mentioning it before but has anyone else here had a baby pre-term? At the moment I have had 'threatened' premature labour and have been for the last week but it's reduced at the moment after a week of bed rest and steroids for the babies lungs.

I have been searching on the net to find out more about pre-term labour, what I can do to try and stop it or what will happen if it doesn't stop, etc. I don't want to read too much though as I know I will probably scare myself and I thought if anyone could help me I'd be grateful. If anyone has had threatened pre-term labour or had their baby early I'd like to chat. Just want to find out a bit more if I can.

Cheers x
Hi Sami,

Just to let you know I had my son 6wks early and I am considered high risk for early labor. My 1st child was 2wks early my 2nd was 4wks my 3rd was 6wks and my 4th started 8wks but they were able to stop it then and she ended up coming 3wks early. I will help anyway I can just let me know what you want to know. But when it is time to come, it is time to come nothing will be able to stop it unfortunately but taking it easy and not doing much is the best advice to give. It is very scary to go through and I'll try to help anyway I can feel free to PM me :D :D

xoxo Ree
Hi Sami, A chap at works wife had her baby at 27 weeks, she is fine though honey. That's all I can say. I know a while ago that prem babies didn;t have that much chance of survival but apart from being smaller she is fine and these days it's all so much better. Sorry I can;t say much more but it's just a bit of reassurance that even at 27 weeks babies are fine just kept in till their due date. Or so Charlotte was.

Em xxxx
Thanks Ree and Emma.

I think I am just scared of what would happen if I did. I know I'd be transferred to another hospital but I am so scared it's gonna happen at any point and I feel like I'm just waiting for it to start. At every tiny pain I get scared now instead of ignoring it.

I worry about how he will manage to breathe even though I've had steroids. I worry about how small he will be and if it will affect him when he grows up. I am worried about everything :(

Did they ever talk to you about your cervix and what was happening with that? I know that mine's 1cm long at the moment, at the most 1.5cm long, and that with first babies it has to go before I start dilating normally. Is that what effacing is? The shortening of the cervix? It starts at about 3.5cm - 5cm long apprently in most women.

Sorry for lots of questions but I didn't think to ask much whilst I was in hospital - I just let them do their job and did what they said to do. I still have lots of questions sorry....I don't want to google too much and scare myself.
Hi Ya, I put a post on for midwives online, maybe you could try them and say it's urgent. They may be able to help as well. Or can you make an appointment for your doctor and say it's cos you need to know all these things. That's what I would do.

Em xxxxxxxxxxxx
thank you- do they get back to you quite quick or does it sometimes take a while?
Oh Sami

So sorry to hear you are having a rough time of it. Im afraid I have no experience of premature labour but when I was at your stage i was forever looking up about premature labour just in case. At 29 weeks a baby has something like a 90% chance which is really high, and you hear of babies surviving now anything from 24 weeks.

My friend started having the injections around 30 weeks because she had a low line placenta and her baby was born at 35 weeks in the end and did very well.

Wish there was more I could say to make you feel better.

Ragna xxxxx
Hey sami,

Did they talk to you about a shot called Breathaine I believe it is...that is what they give you for preterm labor to actually stop the labor...I know we do that here in the states I don't know about where you are, but it is worth asking. Having the steroid shot was definatley wise.

xoxo Ree
Hi Sami

The steroid injection has given flump the best chance possible. With Callum, I had placenta previa and went into labour with a bleed at 27 weeks. I had steroid injections to mature his lungs and was put on strict bed rest (mostly in hospital because of the bleeding risk) and managed to hold on till 36 weeks. He spent 4 weeks in SCBU but that was mostly due to other problems he had.

There were other babies in SCBU that were born as early as 25 weeks - we still see a few of them and they're all doing really well 8 years on. There was a little girl called Helen, born two days before Callum, who died the day callum was transferred into the low care section - there hadn't been time for the steroid injections to work and her lungs failed. Have they offered a visit to your SCBU? We had a tour when I was first admitted but it was still a shock when we went down to see callum with tubes everywhere - I dont think anything can prepare you for that.

I've been on bed rest this time because of placenta problems but haven't been taking it too seriously until thursday when my blood pressure shot up to 146/98 with ++ protein and the midwife asked if my bags were ready. :shock: Had my steroid injection yesterday and am now weeing into a bottle for 24 hours (the indignity :roll: ) ready for another checkup on monday. Reality has struck and we're now looking forward one week at a time, every day he/she can stay inside is a bonus. After being determined to work right up until the birth I'm going on maternity on monday :cry:

My worry of the day is what on earth Stuart is going to come home with for my hospital bag - I'm sending him with a list but he gets a list for the weekly shop and that never matches up with what he comes home with. Sensible cotton pjs will turn into a slinky nightie and I dread to think what nursing bras will be :? Tomorrow I'm going to find something else to worry about - something equally non-sensical and pathetic

Try to keep your chin up

Tracy xx
(looking forward to at least a few weeks sharing the bed with a laptop)
We don't have a SCBU unit at my hospital as they don't take babies before 32weeks so I don't know where we would go. If I went into labour I would go to the nearest hospital with a bed for my baby.
Steroid injections hurt dont they :( I had two 24hours apart.

I guess I should really pack my bag for hospital - my mum has got me some pj's and is bringing them over tonight. Haven't got nursing bra's yet as who knows what size I'll be when the milk comes in and I dont know if I should get them if he comes early. Will I need them? Will he be on my milk or special milk? Sorry 20 questions.
I'm hoping that my cervix doesn't thin out anymore anytime soon as the next step is dilating and I doubt I'll need to be 10cm for baby to fit through. I am still almost not believing it - seems like it's not happening and I can carry on as normal now I'm home. They said i should rest but how much is resting going to stop my cervix thinning out if it really wants to? I obviously don't want to tempt fate by running around or anything, but how strict should I be with myself?
Hi Sami

My brother in law's sister had her baby at 26wks back in August 2003 due to pre-eclampsia. She expressed breast milk that was given to the baby, I'm not sure if she only had this or if it was in addtiion to formula as well, I know that she was fed some build up type stuff which was to increase her weight. Wee baby Holly had to stay in special care for premature babies for 4 months and then was allowed home and today you would never know she was a premature baby at all.

Not sure if you use the baby centre forum (www.babycentre.co.uk) under the pregnancy section go to the due in January 2006 (might also be on in the due Febuary 2006) forum and there's two ladies who have given birth around 28wks - you'll probably find some of their posts helpful.

HTH, take care

26 + 4
In had a look but I can't find them hun.
Thank you for sharing the story with me - it does give me hope that if this little one does arrive early he will be okie.

Thanks for everything you guys have said - it is helping me deal with the propspect of baby arriving early a lot easier xx
Resting really does help - it's hard to do (you'd think it would be so easy to just lay in bed all day but it drives you up the wall). Up until now I've been taking it easy but now I'm doing absolutely nothing - even if it means putting up with Stus cooking. When we were having Callum, we had to visit Manchester (40 miles away) every two weeks for scans, and just walking to the car was enough to set me off again.

I've never had a thinning cervix, but with the placenta previa a midwife helped me get my head round staying in bed by saying every time i stood up, it was putting pressure on the placenta and pushing it one step closer to another bleed. I don't know whether that's true, or whether its the same with the cervix but it made me think twice before having a wander round to relieve the boredom. I feel awful asking Stu to do everything - I don't feel ill so why should I be a lazy cow type thing - but he's been brill yesterday and today - he said this morning he'd rather be my slave than cope with the trips to special care

They'll advise you to breast feed. Even if he can't take the milk from the breast, they'll ask you to express and feed him through a tube (or freeze it until his tummy can cope) - that way he still gets all the antibodies which really help. One of Callums problems was an intolerence to milk proteins (even my milk, but nothing to do with him being early), but I still expressed and it was combined with his pregestamil formula.

I had the injections in my thigh last time and don't remember them hurting that much. This time she's done them in my bum and every time I move I feel like I've slid down ten flights of stairs on my arse :?

Stu has surprised me with my bag. 4 pairs of cutesy pjs with pussy cats and teddy bears (I only asked for two) and sensible bras (not nursing ones - he couldn't find them). I got a telling off when he got home that I'd forgotten to put things like maternity pads and big knickers (I was asking mum to get those to save him the embaressment) and he got them anyway. :lol: He's even got some prem baby grows and nappies (and a new computer game for me!!!) He's found his sensible, practical side - yippeee.

Tracy xx
Awww I'm glad his sensible practical side has shone through! Whilst I was in hospital Mark didn't even attempt to clean up after himself or anything that was left from the day I went into hospital. The defrosting chicken for dinner the night I went into hospital was still on the side the day before I came home and only when I asked to if it was put in the bin did he chuck it :? Lets hope he improves soon!

I know what you mean about sitting on your bum and feeling lazy - I feel awful doing it but what else can I do? I must admit today that I didn't stay on my bum too much during the day and have cleaned the bathroom (took me half an hour as I was doing it slowly and it's only a small bathroom), and I put a couple of loads of washing in. I just cannot sit still for so long. I am seeing my community midwife on Tuesday so I'll speak to her about what I really can or cannot do and what the effects would be on my cervix. I was thinking today though, if your cervix is going to thin - won't it just do it? Some women start to dilate and not even notice it. I also worry if I sit for too long I'll get DVT.

Has any of this stress or whatever started giving you headches? For the last few days I've had a headache on and off for most of the day and I woke up with it today. I'm guessing it is caused by the stress but the co-codomol they gave me in hospital isn't even shifting it. It's driving me mad.

Are you worried about going into labour early? Silly question really I guess. I really hope I hold out till term but am finding it hard to face the fact that I probably might not.....I've almost blocked it out in a wierd way. I don't know if I'm blocking it out coz I think they may have it wrong and that I am fine really or I don't want to believe them. I don't really know what to do other than find out as much as I can about what could happen and just let life carry on as normal.

Sorry I'm a bit daunted by everything still I think :(
Hi Sami

I've been away for a few days otherwise I'd have replied earlier.

What a nightmare you're having! As you know I was told that I could go into labour anytime from 20 weeks onwards (following surgery on my cervix) but was suddenly given the all clear a few weeks ago. I only have about 2.5cm at best but I've been told that what I have is strong.

I really panicked but discovered that the woman next door to me has had all 3 of her children early (29 weeks, 32 weeks and 25 weeks) and they're all perfectly ok now (aged 11 years, 18 months and 10 months!) and that calmed me down.

I did quite a bit of reading about preemies because I was sure I was going to have one, and apparently the major milestone is 28 weeks - these babies have excellent survival rates with hardly any risk of disability so try to just relax and stay still!!!

I think blocking it out is probably the best idea because stress can make things worse. Just make sure you got that bag packed just in case.

Thinking of you
Louise x
Thanks Lucy, and thanks Louise.

Getting my hospital bag packed today - feels mad doing it this early though! I've woken up a bit more relaxed about the whole situation and am mentally preparing myself for labour - but then I am still crapping myself when I get a painful tightening and start waiting for the next one (which at the moment isn't coming anytime soon afterwards).

I have been doing a lot of looking up on the net (even though I told myself not to) and was trying to find out how long a cervix normally takes to thin out completely before dilation happens. With a first baby you have the advantage of the cervix needing to efface before dilating, but on second time mums the cervix remembers and tends to dilate and efface at the same time apprently (although not always). It can take anywhere from hours to a month or slightly more, and it depends on how long it was to start with too. Mine went down 1cm within 36 hours but if the last 1cm I have left had gone within the same timescale I'd of had the baby by now! So who knows when that will be. But at least I am prepared.
I know it's a bit late but I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what you're going through Sami and I hope you can keep that baby in for as long as possible. Keep strong and everything will be fine. xx
Hey Kim - thanks hun. It's not too late at all - support is always welcome.
Hope you and your bump are well :)

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