Happy but confused lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Had my 24 week midwife appointment today. Had it early as my midwife is on holiday next week. All was fine until they went to listen to bubba. Had a student attending so midwife let him do it all. He tried and tried but could not find the hb. So in stepped midwife but even she struggled for ages. Apparently bubba kept moving and kicking. In the end the midwife kinda had to hold the baby in place to get the heart beat! Bless my stubborn baby! Midwife said all is well and that I have one very active and happy baby!

So now the confusing part. She put me forward two days so I'm 23 + 1 but my due date is the same. How is that possible? Lol.
god knows!

can just imagine your poor bubba thinking "stop pinning me down, woman! i wanna kick my mum!"
Been doing plenty of that the past 5 or 6 days larly lol xx
I wouldnt worry. They put me back 3 days at my 12 week scan but kept my due date the same. Apparently if it's just a difference of 2 or 3 days they dont change the dates :)
She probably just got it wrong. My friend is a midwife and they use these wheels to work out how many weeks and days you are, and my friend says these wheels are rubbish and often give the wrong gestation by a few days. So I would just ignore what she wrote in the notes, the due date you were given at your scan is still your due date.
Thank you Susanne. Was going to ignore it and stick with what I have. And tbh its only 2 days lol. I am almost certain that this LO won't arrive on time anyway. Bit like it's mum and her time keeping... always late!x

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