Happy bunny - update...I bring good news


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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***Happy Bunny has had her baby, she gave birth to a beautiful little girl at 3.34 yesterday afternoon. She is called April and weighed 81bs 51/2 ounces, her and OH are madly in love with her. Isn't this fab news, she is going to come on the forum tommorow and tell everyone, she texted me tonight but I was really selfish and didn't tell you guys straight away as I was shattered and fell asleep, now I am awake, probably for most the night when no-one is on here but at least you will get this news when you log on in the am....brill isn't it!***

hi guys

Just got a text from Happy Bunny, she has gone into hospital and is 3cm...

yeh...hopefully we will have some good news soon.

I will let everyone know as and when I hear.

How exciting, I am off to call my mum now who used to work with her, she will be so excited.

:cheer: :cheer: Hope everything goes well for her!
I's happening :D
looking forward to updates!! :cheer:

sarah :hug: :wave:
Hehe I was happy to read the 'in hospital' bit in your subject line :lol:

Fingers crossed for her it won't be long now :cheer: :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Hopefully by tomorrow morning there'll be another baby :lol:
Woooooooo!! Good lck happy bunny. hopefully it won't be long now.xxxx
:cheer: :D

Just a quickie as OH wants me to go to bed ASAP!!
I am in established labour!!!!!!!!!!!! As most of you know I have been having horrible, painful, but irregular contractions since Thursday 3am. The pain has been immense and I haven't been able to sleep. I have phoned delivery on numerous occasions and they kept saying 'take paracetamol, have a bath' you're not in labour.
Today just got too much, after 4 nights of not getting any sleep and unbearable pain, I phoned in tears and begged them to see me. Good job I did!! I am 4cm dilated!!!!!!!!!!!!
They kept me in for a few hours and talked about breaking my waters and giving me the inducement drip at 10.30pm tonight as I wasn't progressing (my contraction have slowed up.) They gave me some stronger painkillers and I am managing contractions fine, so I asked to go home for a few hours to see if we can get the contractions going ourselves. Hopefully, I might be able to get a few hours sleep before things start moving on again (hence OH wanting me to go to bed instead of playing on the net, lol) I am feeling ok, quite excited/apprehensive, but most of all, validated!! I said I was in labour and noone believed me! Ha!
I may be back in hospital tonight or tomorrow, but if you don't hear from me, assume I am in and having a baby! Yey! I will update with good news ASAP!!


Just a quick reminder - don't mention anything on Facebook. Wanting to surprise relatives and avoid them ringing/visiting the hospital before we are ready to share our news with them.
good luck hun! I hope you have your baby very soon. No wonder you were in pain being 4cm dilated! :shock:
Hope you can get a few hours rest :hug: :hug:
Good luck hunny :dance:
not to long to go now!!! :D hope you get some well deserved sleep before the next leg of the journey kicks off

sarah :cheer:

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