Happy bunny - update...I bring good news

u must be exhausted
keep in touch with text or forum and just let us knowxx
Awww Im so glad you went to hospital!!!! Cant wait for updates today :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: xxxx
Good luck! I'm so pleased they finally listened to you!!

And WOOOOOO you're gonna have a baby soon! :hug:
Is there any more news? Was reading the other threads and feeling soo sorry for happybunny having such a long, slow process.

is she back in hospital?? x
***Happy Bunny has had her baby, she gave birth to a beautiful little girl at 3.34 yesterday afternoon. She is called April and weighed 81bs 51/2 ounces, her and OH are madly in love with her. Isn't this fab news, she is going to come on the forum tommorow and tell everyone, she texted me tonight but I was really selfish and didn't tell you guys straight away as I was shattered and fell asleep, now I am awake, probably for most the night when no-one is on here but at least you will get this news when you log on in the am....brill isn't it!***
That's FANTASITC NEWS happybunny :cheer: :cheer:
Congratulations on your little girl :angel:
Welcome to the world April :wave:

looking forward to your birth story and piccies :dance: :dance:

sarah :hug: :wave:

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